Chapter 9: Unspoken Secrets

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[Y/n's PoV]

The sound of the gunshot was the first thing I heard before I suddenly found my vision came back to reality and not in the nightmare situation with Kafka and her gun at all.

I am sitting here at my own room in the Reverie hotel with the effects of the alcohol still having a bit of influence on me. The events leading to my death felt very real to me and I felt slightly anxious when I thought about it just now.

I tried calling Aventurine's number and he does not pick up. The only thing I hear is the phone's dial tone.

This made me even more worried and I couldn't help but shook a bit in my room at the Reverie hotel all alone.

The events happening in the dreamscape still made me feel a bit anxious and uncomfortable as I tried to remain calm and contact Aventurine once again.

"Pick up the phone, you idiot."

I keep calling Aventurine's number even though I wondered if it's even possible for me to contact him while he is in the dream world of Penacony.

However, I kept attempting it nonetheless as the ringing tone sounded again and again from my phone with not even a single call back from Aventurine.

I was still trying to contact him, getting impatient by the minute as time passed by.

"Ugh, fuck!"

I slammed my fist hard against the wall, showing my frustration and anger over the fact that Aventurine is not picking up any of my calls and he is still currently in the dream world of Penacony.

The events I experienced there felt too real and it was driving me crazy that he wasn't responding to any of my attempts in contacting him via my phone.

"What is wrong with me? Am I that drunk that I let the most wanted criminal in the IPC to let herself kiss me?"

I couldn't help but question myself with these kinds of thoughts as I think to muss that I actually let a dangerous woman such as Kafka kiss me. This was actually a bit embarrassing considering the kind of person she is and what she did in terms of her actions.

I really felt like I made a mistake getting that drunk as I even allowed her to take a hold of my body for herself made me feel ashamed and I felt more embarrassed than ever now. I couldn't believe that I'd let that happen to me and I regretted it so much.

I just took out a cigarette and started smoking it, trying to take my mind off of everything that has just happened just now.

I then let out a heavy sigh of frustration as I tried doing something else other than constantly thinking about what she did to me.

Kafka's lips, her tongue in my mouth, the feeling of her breath and how she held me tightly, making it seems like I was the only thing that mattered to the dangerous woman.

I sighed deeply again and decided to call it a night as I laid down in bed with the effects of the alcohol still having some residual influence.

Although, the thoughts and mental images of Kafka's lips against mine, her legs rubbing against me, and her hands gripping my body all seemed to have made it difficult for me to get any sleep this night.


Hours went by...

After I have layed there trying to clear my mind in order to get some sleep, a phone call suddenly interrupted me and there I noticed that an unknown number is calling me.

Love At First Crime (Kafka X Fem Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt