[26] Before Becoming a King, Become a Human

Start from the beginning

"Sages can console the people, but they cannot lead them."

"If you discard the selfishness of being human, then how can you become a qualified ruler?"


"You don't understand the human heart."

The soft words struck like a heavy hammer, landing in the most confused inch of her heart.

The human heart...

She... doesn't understand the human heart?

A judgment akin to a heart-wrenching critique.

The girl stared blankly at her own palm.

Rumors of the people, the lord's harsh rule, the marauding bandits...

Despite being a good person, she couldn't receive good in return. These undeniable facts were right in front of her.

Ideas are more powerful than a sword.

During this time, Alvin had taught her many concepts she had never heard of in her life.

About exploitation, about productivity, about surplus value, about the nature of noble aristocracy...

These words sounded obscure at first, but after explanations, their clear and distinct meanings seemed to penetrate the laws governing the world.

And what the magus of flowers in her dreams had been teaching her all along were often just empty words:

"To become a king, to wield a sword, to adhere to the knight's spirit... to learn, to be ruthless."

"Why should one be ruthless?"

"Because with ruthlessness, you won't suffer."

"Why would becoming a king cause suffering? Leading the people forward isn't a noble act?"

When she asked herself such questions.

The magus of flowers just sighed and couldn't answer her questions.

But when it came to Alvin...

He patiently explained everything, whether it was facts or logic, everything was so clear.


The education she had received over the years about being a king...

Could it be wrong?

"Not understanding the human heart."

Just a few simple words.

Finally, the girl began to have an indelible doubt and questioning of the worldview she had always adhered to.

And at this moment...

"You want to become a king, right?"

A clear voice echoed in front of her.

The girl raised her eyes in surprise, looking at the silver-haired youth in front of her.

However, the youth didn't look at her, instead, he gazed into the distant horizon.

"Sir, how... how did you know...?"

"As soon as Merlin's prophecy came out, which knight on this island wouldn't want to become the King of Britannia? It's an open secret."

Alvin spoke slowly, his words sounding gentle and ethereal.

"Do you remember when you asked me why I treated you with such extraordinary patience?"

"Uh, you said... I look a lot like someone you knew."

"That's right, so you see, I also formed this friendship with you out of selfishness... My old friend once suffered a miserable betrayal, and I don't want you to follow the same path..."

"To become a king, do you know what you lack the most?"

As his words fell silent.

In the girl's dim and obscure vision, it seemed like a beam of light suddenly projected.

Alvin's words seemed to carry a kind of magic, like a life-saving straw, making people unconsciously want to grasp that dazzling light.

She suddenly lifted her head.

"Please... please guide me, Sir Alvin! What should I do?!"

"In that case..."

Alvin smiled.

The curvature of his mouth, so delightfully pleasing, seemed like a deep and endless rift that cracked open in front of the girl.

"...Try being a bit more selfish first, how about that?"

"... 'Selfish'?"

"Lower virtue from those elusive clouds, think about problems from a human perspective, politely refuse things you don't like, express your desires confidently when you want to try something, practice your own selfishness, only then can you understand the emotions of being human."

"No one is born with a specific purpose, no one is born to become a king, Artorius."

"In other words..."

To pull her down from the divine seat formed by the multitude.

Escape from such a tragic fate.

As an innocent being, there's no need to bear such responsibilities.

Embracing these thoughts that would lead her to evil.

Under the bright sunlight, the silver-haired youth smiled at the girl word by word.

"...Before becoming a king, first become a human."


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