[3] You Will be the Antagonist

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But Reinhard's resonant words directly struck Waver's soul, who was contemplating.

"If the king ordered you to live as a loyal subject, would risking danger just for the chance to meet him again truly be the meeting he desires?"

...That's right.

Doing something like bringing oneself back into the Holy Grail War just to meet the king again was ultimately a selfish and wishful thinking.

Although nearly a decade had passed.

The young man named Waver Velvet still hadn't moved on from that night in 1994.

Even though he was now the Lord in the Clock Tower.

It's really, no progress at all...

Realizing his own immaturity, Waver, with a bitter smile, finally let go of his worries. He no longer busied himself for a spot in the Holy Grail War and, instead, kept the promise he made with the king, choosing to live well.

"There will be opportunities to meet again in the future."

Waver touched his chest, and since then, he had kept the cloak fragment of the king by his side.

"In the profound journey of life, Rein, you are, in turn, my mentor."

Recalling the heartfelt conversations he had with his disciple.

Waver gazed at the black box on the coffee table with emotion.

Something truly nostalgic.

He had also taken such a relic from his teacher, Kayneth... Of course, it was taking, not stealing. How could you call it stealing in the world of magus?

The grand journey and the bonds forged between them also began with the 'Holy Grail War.'


"How should I put it, those old folks at the Clock Tower can only use their pathetic brain capacity in such a dark place."

"They claimed to have 'carefully selected' an 'extremely powerful' relic for you..."

Waver emphasized those two very ironic words.

"However, they actually took out something almost insulting from the Spiritual Tomb of Albion. Are they trying to convey that my disciple is a heretical antagonist trying to subvert the rules of the Clock Tower? Heh-"

He knocked on the table with his knuckles.

Waver's face revealed a meaningful smile.

"Rein, do you know what's inside this?"

"... What is it?"

Seeing the excitement on his disciple's face, Waver's slender fingers slowly turned the switch on the black box.

With a crisp sound, the outer shell of the box opened, and the contents inside gradually came into Reinhard's view.

"Is this... a scale?"

Reinhard squinted slightly, his eyes, as deep as an inkwell, observing the pure white scale with a black circular pattern embossed on it, resting on a crimson cushion inside the box.

"The Ill-Fated Son of the White Dragon," Waver said each word, "It is said to be an inverse scale from its body."

"...Never heard of it."

Reinhard shook his head in bewildered amazement.

The Ill-Fated Son of the White Dragon?

This title sounded intimidating, was it a heroic spirit from some moonlit world that he doesn't know?

Fate/Ultimate AntagonistOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz