Vic - 14

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I've sent Kellin atleast 20 texts since he texted me he made it home safe.

I'm starting to doubt he made it home safe but why would he text me.

I slowly drifted off into sleep hoping i'd wake up to a call from Kellin or a text from him.

— —
I woke up and checked my phone Kellin hasn't texted me. Neither did someone call me to pick him up.

This made me worry immensely.

But my worry slowly turned into anger. I remembered what Kellin said "When I want to stop talking to someone I ghost them" Those words repeated through my head.

V: Kellin if your fucking ignoring me again over this "I don't deserve you" Bullshit cut it out.

I should of known better then to fall for the high school heartbreaker but I did.

V: If your just ghosting me i'm going to come over.

I hoped that text would stop him from ignoring me. It didn't though he still will not text me.

V: if you don't text me by 7pm im coming over.

I told myself that that was going to be the last text I sent him today.

I sadly had to get up and live life.

I got dressed and decided to go for a walk to 7/11. I needed an energy drink from my lack of sleep.

I didn't sleep at all last night I was up worried about Kellin all night.

He had nine hours to answer me or I was going to see him.

I left the house and the weather was beautiful a beautiful temperature of 15°.

It made me sad Kellin hadn't texted me. We could be outside skating right now but no he had to pull this petty bullshit.

I bought two Monsters just incase Kellin came over.

I left the 7/11 and started walking home.

The weather was beautiful it's the best it's been in weeks maybe months even. I'm going to be spending this beautiful day alone, I had no body other then Kellin.

I made it home and put Kellins Monster in the Fridge.

I walked up to my room sadly.

I slumped myself onto my bed and cried hard.

I was already so depressed and Kellin ignoring me for 17 hours wasn't helping.

I did the only things I knew what to do when I felt like this. I went to the blade.

I opened my bedside table and started searching around for my blade.

I couldn't find my blade anywhere. I pulled everything out of the drawer carefully searching everyone for my blade.

I thought for a second on where it could of went. I thought maybe Kellin took it when he snooped through my room.

I thought about using my second coping mechanism but Kellin took that too.

Remembering Kellin stole my xanax got me anxious.

What if he took them and overdosed.

There's so many possibilities of what could be going on with Kellin right now.

I tried shrugging off the idea of Kellin being hurt or somthing wrong with him but I couldn't. There was definitely something wrong I could sense it almost.

I thought about texting Tony and seeing if he's heard anything from Kellin.

I didn't want to worry him but I was genuinely worried about Kellins safety.

I met a boy at 17 Where stories live. Discover now