Kellin - 2

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Vic leads me to what looks like an abandoned hotel. Every window in sight was broken. There was graffiti everywhere and spider webs coating every corner in this place, and to top it off it has the most ratchet scent ever.

"Is this 'the place' " I chuckled saying but genuinely curious.

I was kinda scared on where Vic is bringing me we only knew eachother for an hour leading up to this point. He could be just leaded me to my death.

I shook every negative thought out of my mind when Vic spoke.

"We're almost there Kell, do you know how to skate"

Where is Vic bringing me? He's asking if I know how to skate I mean, I do but where are we going.

I feel myself getting lost in thought once again untill Vic spoke again.

"Well do you?" He said questioningly.

"Yeah of course I do"

I know how to skate im not saying i'm good at it i've definitely ran from the cops a couple times on a board.

"Great" He says with that big, stupid, contagious, grin on his face.

I smiled back and probably blushed a little but whatever.

We walk down a huge staircase and Vic opens a big glass door which isn't smashed suprisingly. We're finally entering his 'spot'.

"Holy shit" I let out looking around me.

It was an abandoned swimming pool with graffiti everywhere. There's signs surrounding the pool saying "8 feet deep". It's a very 'bad ass movie' vibe type of scene.

"Grab a borad"

I look to my left and see two Zoo York boards sitting there ready to be used.

I look back at Vic and he's about to drop into this huge empty swimming pool with a DK in his mouth.

This kid is cooler then me. I looked at him in awe as he dropped in and swiftly does a turn and does a ring around the pool still taking drags of his cigarette.

He finishes his loops around the pool and and pops his board and turns to me

"Your turn" Said with a huge grin on his face.

"Your fucking crazy" I said laughing but clearly nervous about this whole thing.

"Come on it's not as bad as it looks" He whined

I sighed deeply and put the rear of the skateboard on the edge of the pool.

As quick as I can and as hard as I can I slam my foot into the other side of deck and drop into this huge abandoned pool.

I almosted screamed like a little girl doing loops around the pool scared shitless on what i've just done.

I begin to stop so I grabbed my board and climbed out of the pool, definitely not as cool as Vic did though.

Vic claps then places his hands on his cheeks and stares at me almost like he was proud of me. It caused a huge grin on my face

"You did so good omg!" Vic squeals.

Still smiling like an idiot I sat myself on the edge of the pool with my legs hanging off the edge.

Vic sat down beside me.

I light up another cigarette my heart was beating fast then it ever has before. I don't know if it's from the adrenaline or Vic's smile.

"That was sick i'm going again" I said all giddy while exhaling smoke.

"Be careful kell" he yelled as I was getting up.

"pshh i'm fine" I said doing a swiping motion with my hand.

I repeat the process and put the edge of my board at the edge of the pool and go to drop in.

This time I didn't slam my front door down hard enough and just fell straight into the deep concrete pool. Eight foot drop into concrete.

"HOLY FUCK KELL" Vic screamed running towards me.

I sat myself up holding my arm it was in so much pain I must of landed on it.

I must of looked so stupid I wanted to cry. I felt tears well up in my eyes, I swolled them back so I didn't look weak in front of Vic.

Vic runs into the pool and crouches down in front of me.

He staring at me intensely with worry in his eyes. It was comforting he looked genuinely worried about me?

"I'm fine I just hurt my arm" I was definitely not fine i was in a shit ton of pain but I couldn't show it.

"Lemme see your arm kell" He said reassuringly and quite.

I hand him my left arm and lifts up my sleeve.

I forgot what was underneath it but it was too late he already saw everything.

I met a boy at 17 Where stories live. Discover now