Kellin - 10

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I find myself asleep in Vic's bed. I had little to no recollection of last night.

I felt tired and thirsty and I have the most gut wrenching headache there is.

I sat up and looked around me and I didn't see Vic. My head was pounding looking around for Vic.

"Hey your finally up" Vic said excitedly walking into the room.

"What time is it" I groaned.

"12:30" He grinned.

I automatically shot up.

"12 fucking 30 Jesus Christ" I moaned

"Why did you wake me" I added.

"You were sleeping so peacefully plus you had a long long night you needed to sleep" Vic said softly.

I just laid back now on his bed and sighed.

"Vic?" I said softly.

"Yeah Kell? what's up?" Vic asked.

"I have a really bad headache" I moaned.

"You drank a lot last night Kell" He said sadly.

I looked up at Vic with tears welling up in my eyes. I don't remember what happened last night i'm sure it wasn't okay. I just hope I didn't hurt Vic.

"I'm so sorry Vic" I sobbed.

Vic was quick to sit down beside me on his bed and caress my arms.

"Oh no Kell you have nothing to be sorry for" Vic reassured.

I sat up I needed to ask him what happened lastnight.

"Vic?" I said sadly.

"Yes kell? What's up"

"What happened lastnight" I asked softly.

Vic sighed and started speaking.

"You woke me up at 3:30 saying you needed me and you were at Franks house. I quickly left to go get you and ran all the way to his house . I got Franks house and he told me you wouldn't stop talking about me and I needed to go see you. Apparently you drank a lot way more then you should of. Frank didn't want you going home because he knew that gash on your face was from your mom so I called a taxi and brought you here and you fell asleep"

My stomach sank. I was ignoring Vic all day and called him the middle of the night for him to come get me and he did? I'm a genuine fuck up.

"I'm so sorry Vic" I sobbed into his chest.

"Kell you don't have anything to be sorry about" He said uncertainly.

"I do Vic. I ignored you all day to call you in the middle of the night for you to come see me and you did?! I'm so fucking sorry"

Vic lost the tension in his shoulders and spoke to me.

"Why did you Kell? Frank kinda told me why you did it but i'm still confused" Vic said quietly.

I was a loss for words even thought I knew what to say.

"Vic I don't deserve you that's why"  I managed to choke out.

"Kell stop self sabotaging your self you did nothing wrong fuck" He said running his fingers through his hair in an upset manner.

He sounded mad at me. I shouldn't be drinking I know I shouldn't be but I understand why our parents are so addicted.

"I won't do it again" I said softly.

"Promise?" Vic asked making eye contact with me.

"I pinky promise" I said smiling at him.

I met a boy at 17 Where stories live. Discover now