Vic - 7

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I sat there for a while sobbing into my knees. I was going to go back to school but, I knew I was gonna get questioned about Kellin so I walked home.

I walked into the house it was almost 11am so no one was home.

I sat down on a bed and immediately texted Kellin.

V: Hey Kells, you okay?

I sat in the chat waiting for a while but after a few minutes of him not responding I put my phone down and put on music.

I connected my phone to my speaker and blasted some Linkin Park of course.

I was scrolling on instagram for a long time waiting for Kellin to respond. I was only on my phone still because I wanted Kellin to text me.

V: Kell? Why aren't you answering?

I started getting worried after he didn't answer me for an hour. What if he got hit by a car or what if he got lost in the forest and couldn't find his way out.

I started getting overly anxious thinking of all the bad things that could of happened to Kellin.

Even though 'we' just met I really really liked him. I decided to call him to ease my anxious mind.




"Hey I probably didn't answer cause your a piece of shit so don't leave a voicemail"

"Fuck" I murmured to myself.

I called him again. I'm never this desperate but i'm so worried for him.



At this point there was tears running down my cheecks.


"What Vic" He sounded so hurt.

"Kellin! Oh my god i've been trying to contact you is everything okay?" I said wiping my tears

"No, no Vic everything's not alright" He was choking through sobs while speaking.

"Kellin i'm so fucking sorry for everything. Where are you can we meet up and talk please"

"I'm at home and yeah I guess we can meet up" Kellin sniffled.

"Okay come to my house my parents won't be home for another couple hours" I reassured.

"Ok just um send me your address i'll come right now"

"Okay i'll text you the address bye Kellin see you soon"

"Bye Vic"

I hung up the phone and went into our chat to send me him my address.

I texted him my address and he just reacted to it with a thumbs up.

15 minutes later he texts me he's almost at my house.

I texted him back.

"Okay my doors open"

Another 10 minutes goes by and I finally hear kellin walk through the door.

I went and retrieved Kellin from the door. He was clearly crying. His eyes were bloodshot and puffy.

We walk up the stairs to my room.

He's about to sit down untill he looks up at me and starts sobbing. He puts his arms out straight like he needed a hug.

I was quick to run up to him and hug him around the waist as he cried in my shoulder. I held him tight for atleast five minutes rubbing circles on his back and reassuring him everything gonna be okay.

I met a boy at 17 Where stories live. Discover now