Vic - 9

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I woke up to a call from Kellin.

I immediately shot up and answered the phone. I looked at my alarm clock and it was 3:30am?

He hasn't talked to me all day and night but he calls me at 3:30 in the fucking morning.

"Hey" I said quietly.

"Oh my god Vic I missed your voice so much" Kellin blurted

I was astonished he hasn't texted me all day and now he's calling me saying all of this?

"Thanks Kell, so why are you calling me so late" I questioned him.

"Vic I need you to pick me up" Kellin sniffled

My heart started racing I don't know where he is why does he need me to pick him up at 3:30 in the morning.

"Kell where are you are you okay"

"I'm at Franks house I really need you right now Vic please please come get me" Kellin pleaded.

He's at Franks. I knew where that was. Frank is an alcoholic I didn't even know Kellin knew him. I don't even wanna know how fucked up he is.

"Okay i'm gonna come get you, how much did you have to drink?" I asked

"Too much Vic I fucked up" Kellin laughed.

I hear someone grab Kellins phone and start talking.

"Vic it's Frank he actually won't shut the fuck up about you I don't think he can handle his alcohol properly. He keeps crying can you just come get him" Frank asked.

"Yeah of course i'm coming right now just send me your address so I know where i'm going" I said rubbing my eyes.

"Yeah of course i'll see you soon" Frank said.

"Alright bye Frank tell Kell I said bye"

"Yeah sure Bye Vic"

I hung up the phone and waited for a text to confirm his address as I got ready for a long walk in the middle of the night.

I grabbed $40 for a taxi home. I didn't want Kellin walking in the cold night air.

I checked my phone and Kellin texted me.

It was just Frank on Kellins phone sending me his address.

I saved his address on chat and opened my window slowly hoping to not wake up anyone.

I fell out my window and pulled myself up on the ledge go close it behind me.

It was so cold out. This whole thing felt like a dream it all happend so fast.

I walked around my house and got onto the street and starting running to Franks house.

My mind was racing why would he ignore me for so long for him to call me in the middle of the night that he needs me. What if they're all fucking with me and they're not there, and just want to see how far i'd go for Kellin.

I knew I shouldn't of trusted Kellin he's the high schools heartbreaker and player. What was I thinking, trusting he maybe liked me.

I don't understand though, he saw me today, going on a walk, and gave me a Monster. The same flavour he gave me when we first met.

My head was spinning with thoughts I couldn't retain it my brain wouldn't stop overthinking this situation.

I plugged in my headphones for hopefully some relief of my mind, and keep myself distracted.

I ran for another 6 blocks in the blistering wind before I made it to Franks.

I didn't hesitate to open the door and walk straight in. I've been at Franks house before with my younger brother so I knew my way around.

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