Kellin- 13

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Me and Vic hung out for a long time. Probably around 8 more hours.

I learnt a lot about Vic in the time we hung out.

We both went into intense detail about our parents and the way we grew up.

Being able to talk to Vic like that and him being able to talk to me like that made me fall in love with him even more.

I was planning on spending another night until I got a phone call at 7:30 from my mom.

"It's my mom?" I told Vic before picking it up.

"Hey Kell it's mom can you come home I miss you" My mom said.

She sounded sober?

"Yeah of course I'll come right now" I said sitting up and putting on my jacket.

"Thank you baby I love you"

"Love you too i'll be right there"

"Vic my mom needs me for some reason i'm gonna go ok?" I worriedly told Vic.

"Yeah of course don't worry about it text me when your home though" Vic replied.

"Of course" I smiled at Vic.

I quickly got myself ready to leave Vic's house.

As I went to walk out his door I yelled at him.

"Bye Vic!" I screamed.

"Bye Kell" He screamed back from his room.

I left Vic's house and started walking home.

The wind was a sharp kind of cold, definitely not the kind you want to be walking in.

I was really, really confused on what my mom needed from me.

She didn't sound angry or upset or anything she sounded like she genuinely wanted to see me, which was incredibly out of character for her.

I wanted so bad to believe my mom just wanted to see me I knew she didn't though. There was definitely something going on.

I got home with my head spinning from confusion.

The second my phone connected to the wifi I texted Vic.

K: Heyyy Vic i'm home now.

I put my phone back into my pocket not waiting for him to respond.

I entered the house and my mom was cleaning.

This was incredibly out of character for her. Our house is a disaster and complete mess. A disgusting pile of filth.

"Hey mom" I said confused.

My mom turned around took off her dishwashing gloves and ran up to me.

She immediately grabbed my face and kissed my check.

She then hugged me tight. I haven't felt this kind of love from her in many years. I almost cried from the love I was receiving.

"Mom oh my god" I said being summthered with love.

"I missed you Kell"  She cried into my shoulder.

"I missed you too mom? Is everything ok?" I replied.

"I hope so" She replied.

She pulled away from the tight grasp she had on me and grabbed my face.

"I love you Kellin even though I don't show it I love you so much" She cried.

I wanted to believe her but this is the first time she's said she loved me in three years how I was supposed to believe her.

"I love you too mom" I replied.

I met a boy at 17 Where stories live. Discover now