Kellin - 6

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I awoken to the sound of a phone call.

It was from Vic.

The second I went to answer it the call ended.

I checked the time and relisised it was 9:45am. School starts at 8:45am. I quickly got up and put on the same outfit I was wearing lastnight when I was with Vic. I noticed Vic has texted me.

V: Hey it's 8:30 where are you?

V: Kell it's 8:45 class is about to start.

V: Kellin what the fuck where are you.

V: Kell, Tony and some Jamie guy keep following me.

V: Thanks a lot Kellin.

How the fuck did I sleep in so late Vic gonna be so mad at me. I texted him back as soon as I read the texts.

K: Vic i'm so sorry I slept in where are you?

I finished getting ready as I waited for Vic to respond. I was getting overwhelmed and anxious.

V: K. I'm in class.

K: I'm so so sorry i'm coming right now, wait there for me.

V: Yeah, ok.

He was definitely mad at me. Extremely mad at me. I should of woken up on time I told him we'd go to school together, he's never  gonna trust me after this.

I almost ran to school trying to be as fast as possible untill my phone vibrated in my pocket. It was Tony.

T: Hey kell where you at. This fucking loser keeps talking shit.

K: I'm almost there where are you, i'll come help.

T: Main hall bathroom i'll keep him here for you.

I put my phone back in my pocket and continued walking to school.

I finally made it and texted Vic walking to the main hall bathroom.

K: Hey Vic, i'm at school now where are you.

He didn't respond right away so I assumed he was just in class. I put my phone in my pocket and walking into the bathroom.

I seen Tony and Jamie talking to eachother so I walked up to them and dabbed them up.

"Shit Kell what happend to you face that looks fucked" Jamie said.

I almost forgot about the big gash and now black eye on my face.

"Oh yeah know the usual the opps almost got me" I chuckled hoping to switch the conversation fast.

"So where this shit talkin' bitch at" I said wirh a smile on my face.

"In the corner over there" Tony said pointing to the corner of the bathroom.

I walked over to the corner where Tony pointed and started yelling.

"What little bitch is talkin bad on my bestfriend huh"

I looked and seen Vic sitting on the floor in the corner of the bathroom.

He was clearly on the verge of tears and had a huge bruise on his face. I was almost about to cry seeing him like this. I was at a loss for words, was he the one talking shit?

I was finally able to speak

"Vic what the fuck happened" Tony interrupted me while I was speaking.

"I told you Kellin he was shit talking so I dealt with him." Tony said laughing with Jamie.

I met a boy at 17 Where stories live. Discover now