11. The king's help request

Start from the beginning


Duke Urzoras: "Attention, everyone. Please listen carefully. Although this is our home, the Valardian empire has plans to destroy our city regardless of whether we stay or leave. I understand that some may view my suggestion as cowardly, but we may need to burn our homes and fields to protect our loved ones. Valardia has shown no mercy to any non-human race and even humans who live with us are not safe from their wrath. However, we acknowledge that not all humans are the same as the Valardian soldiers. Some have shared food and land with us, and together we have lived in peace. Our top priority now is to safeguard our families and friends at any cost. If we must destroy the city where we grew up to defend our loved ones, so be it."

The soldiers consider the count's words and decide it's the right thing.

Soldier: he's right, if we stay here, we will die for nothing.

soldier 2: it's true, we must retreat if we want to defend our citizens.

Captain: Load the carts with dried rations and prepare a fire. Find any available food and weapons.

The soldiers load the food and weapons into carts and burn wooden houses. Some contaminate wells with dirty water and feces while others plant fire dust in stone buildings.

At sunrise, they flee the city while the surrounding fields burn, and the castle is destroyed by explosives.

City of Shatatighens

Upon arrival at the city of Shatatighens, the count salutes the remnants of the 17th Frontier Guard Division.

Mayor: Welcome to the city of Shatatighens, Your Highness. How may I assist you?

Count Urzoras: Did you know that I was coming?

Mayor: I received a letter from the Axis requesting my support. I'm sorry to hear about the situation in Betforge. By the way, do you know where the city's mayor is?

Count Urzoras: He passed away during the attack, so I bestowed his title upon the captain of the city guard.

Mayor: My condolences. I've prepared barracks for your soldiers near the refugees of Betforge. Follow me.

The major escorts the count to the refugee camp, where some people are preparing barracks for the returning soldiers. Inside the barracks, the soldiers visit their families and tell them about the destruction of the city. They are sad, but they prepare food for their tired fellow soldiers. However, some soldiers remained in their barracks because their families were reported to be in Losfeldia. They rest well with the hope of seeing their families again.

City of Peiris, Pydnan free territory

Upon waking up, Nano and the rest of the group prepared to meet King Orpheus at his castle and took a royal wagon.

Elise: what do you think the king will talk with us about?

Durin: maybe it is some type of interrogation because we're the closest people to Nano.

Duke Arlen: yyyesss and no.

Nano: and all this because I got into a fight.

Duke Arlen: "You're not wrong, but it's strange to see a golem showing concern for others. It's the first time I've encountered such a case. You are quite unusual, and your creator must have been very creative to give you the ability to think freely."

Nano: sure.

The throne room, Peiris Royal Castle

Upon the arrival of Nano and his group, King Orpheus rose from his throne and saluted them.

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