Unyielding Standoff: The Battle Against Raphael

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(Three weeks later at Hyoudou Residence)

Koneko, Kiba, Rias, Issei, Xenovia and Rossweisse are being treated one by one upstairs in their bedrooms by Asia and Azazel doing everything they can to brings everyone back to full strength, since they've received significant amounts of damages.

But while they're nursing everyone to the best of their strengths, Downstairs in the living area sits Ayanokōji and Akeno in total silence

Akeno's bruises has already been healed, by Asia before they arrived back, but she's currently in a deep state of mixed emotions like confusion, frustration, anxiety, irritation and sadness.

After few more moments of silence goes by, Akeno averts her gaze to Ayanokōji, her expression in disbelief as she finally speaks

Akeno: “Ayanokōji…..Why'd…all this…even happen?” ~ (Akeno asks, her voice barely above a whisper)


(Ten Hours Ago)

In a secluded area, all the members of the Gremory team, stands a circular formation with each of their senses on high alert for oncoming danger that's been on their case for weeks

Despite them having gotten much stronger and have gone through more vigorous training since their last encounter, Rias can't help but feel slightly nervous on the danger that's about to come as she orders everyone to remain vigilant and on guard for the arrival of their opposing enemies

After a few moments Rias senses a slight disturbance in the air and their surroundings as that same moment a rather large portal opens a few metres infront of them, showing 4 different silhouettes

This sight automatically causes everyone to form into position for any sudden or unexpected assaults

As the silhouettes slowly walk through the portal, it's revealed that they're a group of young looking males and females, that seem to be human, but they're appearance doesn't come off as a suprise since Rias and her peerage have already met they're acquaintance….more than once

A man who goes by the name Kevin than decides to speak up

Kevin: “My- my, It's nice to see you've all prepared yourselves for our arrival, and you've all have gotten stronger aswell, especially the one with the red dragon dreag coursing through him” ~ (Kevin calmly says)

Neither Rias or her Peerage seem to show any interest to Kevin's compliment, as they just continue to keep their guard up

Rias: “Save your compliments for people who actually give a damn to what you have to say, we know what your after and we're afraid to inform you that you won't be getting your hands on him, so there's no point in your unnecessary visits” ~ (Rias tells Kevin with a Hint of irritation and concern in her voice)

Kevin smirks at this as he slowly shakes his while chuckling

Kevin: “Maybe that's just your opinion little miss Rias, how do you know your little minions doesn't have a different opinion?“ ~(Kevin calmly asks)

Rias scoffs at his words as she asks him who he thinks her friends are

To which Kevin reponds with a calm and controlled tone, now turning his focus to Rias's Peerage

Kevin: “You there, your name is Asia, am I right?“ ~ (Kevin asks, pointing towards Asia)

Asia gets starteld as slowly nods her head while hiding behind Issei

Kevin: “You seem like a sweet girl, do mind telling us where he is, if you do that than we promise to step back and leave this planet, that way none of your friends will ever get hurt, but if you refuse, you'll be responsible for your friends having a few or more broken bones, which will leave them in deep pain” ~ (Kevin says in a low menacing tone, trying persuade an answer out of her)

A visit from an uninvited soul [Highschool DxD X Kiyotaka Ayanokōji X OC] (18+)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu