One sided Stand off/Unexpected Results

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Diomedes: "Well now shall we begin"

Without a second to waste, Kiba orders his troops to surround Diomedes, and that's what they do

Diomedes sees the knights circling around Him but he doesn't react to it

Kiba: (These troops won't even put a scratch him and I bet he knows that, even when I call out aloud for my knights to attack, I doubt he'll even try to move, so I'll try using this as an opportunity to attack him while his guard is still down) "Now knights, step forward and attack!!!"

And that's just what they did, as each one simultaneously lunges forward at Diomedes while trying to jump on him, they swing their swords to his neck, but unfortunately all of the troopers blades break to pieces, Diomedes then finally decides to act and incinerates the remaining trooper that's standing on top of him by Blowing them with air through his lungs

Kiba: (What he just blew them?)

As Diomedes finished incinerating the troopers, he suddenly then feels someone grapping him from behind, it's one of the troopers holding him in a grappling hold, Diomedes turns his head around and uses his forearms hitting the trooper while splitting in into two

But unfortunately for Diomedes this was only a temporary distraction as Akeno now readies casting her Holy Lightning attack and shoots it with a 5 different lightning bolts flying straight at him, when it connects it causes a huge explosion to occur, leaving only smoke behind, but the attack doesn't stop there

Rias now seizes the opportunity to go all out and charges her Extinguished Star technique, She activates it from focusing Power of Destruction into an enormous sphere that has a crimson and black aura swirling in it, when the attack is fully formed she then launches it forward straight at Diomedes who Rias believe is still standing in between the smoke

As the attack slowly fades in the smoke, it does make contact with something causing a gigantic explosion and a large blinding light to take over, the attack causes a few cracks to appear around the park aswell, spreading to underneath their own feet.

As soon as the blinding light completely dissipated, it was now Issei's turn to deliver a hoped to be final blow, as he jumps High in the sky and targets dead centre of where the smoke is coming from, he then releases a fully enhanced Dragon Shot while still being Airborne, the attack eventually makes contact in between the smoke causing another massive Explosion and blinding light, evaporating all the nearest pavements and green life

Issei finally lands back down on land with his mind curious if they had succeeded or not in at least damaging Diomedes with their all out attacks

After a while, the smoke begins to dissipate, finally showing the damage of all three, Rias, Akeno and Issei's attack.

Asia: (That was a big attack, He couldn't have survived could he?)

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Asia: (That was a big attack, He couldn't have survived could he?)

Xenovia: "Wow, You guys really packed a punch on that attack, look at the size of this crater!!"

A visit from an uninvited soul [Highschool DxD X Kiyotaka Ayanokōji X OC] (18+)Where stories live. Discover now