A drug to me

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" what the hell were you thinking Alex you could have killed her" Darius asked " I don't know man it's like her blood brings out a sort of friendzy in me" he says with a sight " there is definitely something about that girl" Alexandra says " ok miss I don't trust her" Darius says " I didn't say trust her I said there is something about her . There's a difference dumbass " Alexandra says and walk off " women!!" Both brothers says in a whisper.

Inez was currently in bed sleeping or so they thought . A girl had came by earlier with some clothe , so inez and her wolf were actually having a serious conversation deciding what to wear and she was loosing badly until a( knock knock) on the door pulled their attention away. " you can come" she says and then her lease expected guess entered. " good morning Inez, it is Inez right??" He asked " oh yes Inez it is and good morning sir, what lured you to my cabin" she asked taking up a jeans and a pull over along with a sport bra earning a chuckle from Alex. " he's hot" Kenna says " don't even go there miss horney wolf" Inez replied " what !! I can feel your emotions you are nervous" Kenna says " thats doesn't mean I wanna bang him" Inez replied

"No am here to apologize for almost killing you" Alex says softly and stopping her conversation " it's ok that wasn't the first" she says with a smile " Am guessing that you were just communicating with your wolf" he rather stated " hmm .... How did you know" she asked " oh I had a werewolf girlfriend" he says with a grin " so your the girl magnet of the brothers" she implies " no no am a baby compare to Darius but since he has responsibilities now am in the number 1 position" he replied with a sly grin. Inez then got to the bathroom and got ready but to her surprise Alex was sitting there waiting. " are you getting paid to gaurd me" she asked with her hands fold

" no but I am going to give you a tour" he replied standing up and they both head out. They had walked down the corridor with Alex explaining where was off limits and where were not, the library, the king's territory and everything she needed to know . " Alex , a minute" I heard a girl says right after she  eyed me up and down.... " you should get to class love" was all Alex said and with that he was off again like a teenager just going to high school. Inez then head out the door and went off to the school but not before she saw Darius starting at her from the window. " oh goddess" Kenna mumbles and Inez blocked her before she could continue.

The walk to the campus was pretty normal even though I didn't expect it to have any fun in it. I could see the entrance of the school from where I was so I used my speed and within seconds I was at the entrance. The place seem pretty normal ,you could hardly tell it's full of vampires but I could . I got a few funny looks here and there but hey nothing I wasn't used to . I saw almost everyone starting to gather their stuff and head off so I tried finding my respectful room but man it was a piece of work. After walking around for minutes I saw the word gifted on the room so I entered and as usual gaining every one's attention.

" good morning , am guessing your Inez moonlight" she teacher asked " yes I am" I replied with a smile " take a seat dear , the king informed me you would be here" she says and Inez did as she was told " so miss moonlight welcome to the class of the gifted...... we have vampire humans , vampire sirens even warlocks" she explains " that's really cool" she says grining from ear to ear " so what are you" the teacher ask " I am........ um........ a .... Hybrid" she says as low as she could " omg is it true that hybrids bites kills peoples" a girl asked " it depends" she answered honestly " can I see your thangs"she asked again " rose , leave the poor girl alone" our teacher said " sure I could show you, after school" I tell her with a wink " you got it" she replied , the day went by pretty alright unlike my coven who treated me like a outcast and danger they were pretty welcoming.

So here I was sitting on the campus and opening a chicken sandwich. "That looks delicious, take a bite" she tells me . I then took a big bite of the sandwich and realized it wasn't so bad after all. " hey Inez!!" I heard rose say" causing me to jump " am sorry I saw you eating alone so I thought you might need a friend" she says shyly " it's ok I was just a little surprised" I replied " alright so this is Oliver , Tokyo and Adrian" she says pointing to her little group " very nice names" I replied with a smile " so I heard your a hybrid , what's it like you know having a wolf" Oliver asked " my wolf is the best life partner .......she is smart , grumpy at times and very comforting" I tell them " so if I may asked why are you here you know?? Like most of us here are here because of a special gift .we were taken out of covens so the kingdom has the best of our species " Tokyo asked " I was rejected by my.........my.......um mate and coven , they saw me as a monster" Inez say looking away

" we'll screw them I think you are cool" rose say " I really wanna see your thangs" Adrian says causing Inez to giggle " oh yes I totally forgot" she says and within couple seconds her thangs were extended while everyone look at her with adoration. " ding ding" the bells goes off and it was time to leave. "We have two classes tomorrow , oh and be prepared to be asked to meet your wolf" Adrian says " where are you staying??" Tokyo asked " at the kingdom" she replies " that's really cool , I always wanted to know what it looks like from the inside" rose says " when the king trust me enough I'll be sure to give u a tour" Inez says and with that they all raced off.

Inez had just reached the castle and it was dead silent so she head up to her quarters. " today wasn't so bad, Kenna" Inez says " I miss Lilly" Kenna says in a sad voice " I wonder what she's doing" Inez says walking out " maybe she has found her mate" kenna replied and then it all came flashing back to her the rejection, the marriage and how she was practically tossed away. Before she knew it she was at the blood bank and taking out a bag of blood. " how in control are you" a young man says " i just try to suppress my instincts most of the time" Inez replied and suddenly she smelt human blood ( fresh human blood) . " you can have it from the source it's very much tastier" the male says " blood sharing and skin to skin contact is a personal thing and even if I did I would kill her" I said looking at the terrified human .

" nick , leave the girl alone" a familiar voice says " way to spoil the fun Alexandra although I must say she has quite the control" he replied walking away " just stay out of his way , he always has something up his sleeve" Alexandra replied " I'll keep that in mind my queen " Inez say bowing and walking away right after. " I need her blood" she heard Alex voice say from behind a door " what's with you , you know that's not how this work I can't just drain her for your satisfaction" Darius replied " am not asking you to drain her dammit am asking you to get me just a little" Alex replied " the last time you almost killed her" Darius replied and Inez moved closer to the door " I won't , I just need a little ,her blood is like fucking heroin and am hooked .i don't know what's in it but I can't get enough" Alex replied

Upon heading up she heard voices from inside a room and moved closer to hear what was being said but to her bad luck she tripped on her own feet and accidentally push the door open. " you nosey little rat" Darius says " I was just passing by am sorry" she replied " All of a sudden everyone has gone crazy!!, you are not to ease drop on people's coversation little hybrid and neither are you to come in here !! Am sure you were told as to where is off limit to you , don't come here again" Darius says in a harsh tone right after which he shoved her out and slammed the door . Inez then walked quietly to her room because although she felt a little sad she had grown to know insults.

" he's a dick" Kenna says " no, he's right am nosey and plus he's the king" Inez replied " I think I like Alex better" Kenna says. " that just your sexuality speaking" and they both broke out in a fit of laughter in her head. She had just reached her room and she ripped her top off. Soon enough night had fallen and she layed there thinking about the past few days that had brought her to where she was and how much her life has change but little does she know it's about to take a rather drastic change once more.

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