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I was  walking out the bathroom as naked as the day I was born ,preparing for the evening a question layed on my mind . " why was the king on his knees beside me" . Apart of me was excited while another side was curious. " maybe he was checking out your boobs" Kenna says and I on the other hand shook my head .it never seem to amaze me how sarcastic she is for a wolf passed down for so many generations.

Never the less here I was putting on a jeans and a long sleeve black turtleneck blouse. I pair those with a black swade boot that had a little heel. " I like this ,you. are .hooot"  Kenna says with a whistle. " hey thanks k , but he said not extra and not too formal so this better do . At this point in time I could here a little music from downstairs. " looks like it's already started" i says letting my hair fall down on my shoulder" and after getting my phone I went out closing the door behind me.

As expected the palace was hella full but I didn't see my friends. However most of the university children were here and am guessing other elders . " boo" I heard Oliver says behind me " I see you want to kill me" I replied and with that we went in for a hug . " you two sure have became close" rose says walking towards us but we pulled her in . " and here I am trying to breathe" she mumbled while we smiled " Adrian !!" I shouted when he walked up " I knew I should have stayed home" Tokyo says rolling her eyes " shut up!!" We all say hugging each other

The night was going great although I had quite an amount of liquor that rose brought. I can't actually believe there are places in this palace that I have never been to ,although no one was allowed in the king's territory. " I need to use the bathroom" I told them while they looked at me . " where is the bathroom in this place though" Adrian asked " there are bathrooms everywhere but am going to my bathroom, if you wanna use mine let me know" I told them " I volunteer" Tokyo says and we both head off . " I would die to live in here, did you decorate this yourself" she asked " hmmm" I answered from the bathroom . soon enough I was out and she was in .  I took this opportunity to take a breath and dropped my gaurd.

Looking up I realized there was an unfamiliar guy in my room. " who the hell are you and what are you doing in my room" I asked getting up in a flash . " your feisty" he says walking towards me " I won't ask again " I say sternly " I came here for you , hybrid " he says again walking towards me but before he could reach me I ran up to him pinning him against the wall . " your strong too but not strong enough , our babies will be fire " he says freeing him self and holding me by the neck causing my foot to lift from the ground. I then kicked him in the balls but he rose up fisting me in The stomach. Not aware of the situation Tokyo came out of the bathroom and stood in shock. " run" I told her but she went right at him and unfortunately he sent her flying in my mirror .

" son of a bitch" I say wiping blood from my mouth " guess it's plan b" he says launching forward " shit, willow stick !! Back!! That could kill you" kenna says  he tried kicking me in the face but I dodge and spotting an opening he stabs  me with willow stick. " damn the sneak attacks" I say .

Few seconds later I could feel my body trying to shut down but I was fighting. With a small smirk He pushed me down on the bed and by this I spotted something . Anger boiled in me as he began to remove his pants so I grabbed the silver knife and went for his head...... soon enough it was rolling across the room . Although my vision was going I could see tokyo laying on the floor clutching her chest . My vision became even more blurry but I went helped her up and we both walked out. 

Going down the stairs I could see everyone moving about but it was all a blur . " rose!!" I called out but Oliver came running instead . " what happened" he says grabbing me before I fall since Tokyo was basically still healing. Soon enough Adrian  and rose came rushing in . " Inez!!" Tokyo says partially hitting my face. " what the hell happened" rose asked  " a man was in the room" Tokyo says "why isn't she getting better like you have" Adrian asked holding me up . " I don't know goddamit" Tokyo says. soon enough another male joined us . " little hybrid" I heard the voice says . " what happen love" another voice says . In a blur I could see everyone bowing and some people whispering.

" w-willow stick in my arm" I manage to say and not a moment later I was picked up and brought away .

As we Entered in a room i could smell king Darius everywhere in it . " stay with me Inez, I can heal you faster if your conscious " Kenna says . I then  felt my body being layed down and the door opened. " how is she??"  Alex asked " conscious " Darius replied  he then walked towards a counter . " where  " Alex asked  walking towards Me. And I moved my left hand . "Keep her awake , I can see it" the king says walking away . " what really happened" alex asked "r-raped" I replied " he did what!!?" He says jolting up from beside me " d-dead in my r-room" I told him .

soon enought I saw Darius coming back with what looks like a serum .  He then took my arm and said " this is going to hurt". After making one pull some blue smoke erupted. While I only grunt.

A few minutes had passed and now I could see pass the blur and I felt much better. It seems I was laying in a chair and across from me Darius sat while Alex stood folding his arms. I could feel my head hammering once again but I got up and soon I begun wobbling but I didn't fall .

Seeing I was weak Darius came to my aid and told me " you need to sit" after which he place me down. " I need to get to my room" I replied " am surprised your still conscious, now sit down ,love "alex says " I need you to tell me exactly what happened"  darius says " I went to my room with my friend to use the washroom, after I came out I sat on my bed. Then there was a man so I asked him what he was doing and he tried to rape me, I want to kill him again" Kenna says with a growl which caused both boys to look in shock.

" sorry" azriel says taking back control  " may I??" King darius asked and I shook my head. He then took me up from the chair and put me on the bed. "you need to rest" he tells me while I look in surprise . "I am going to take care of the room" alex says and they both walked out leaving me there to myself. " do you think it was a coincidence" alex asked " too much coincidences" Darius  says rubbing the knit of his eyebrows  " that I know" alex replied "I see you have grown found of her"' Darius says "but" alex replies " this is not one of the little slutty vampire for you to play around with" Darius says " if only you knew" Alex says and continued walking.

Unfortunately some vampires don't sleep so I was here all night in my thoughts. The king had came back around 3 am  and lay on the sofa , although at this point in time I was raising up . " I know your awake" I say looking towards him " and why would I pretend sleeping you know vampires don't sleep" he says turning his head in my direction. And Something about his gaze made me want for more of him .

" how are you feeling little hybrid" he says walking towards me but I couldn't form words so I nod . " we have a theory however you are to be careful these upcoming days" he says now figiting  with his ring. "teach me how to fight" I replied putting out my best serious face while he looked with an blank expression. " look I know you teach a warrior class at the university, my friend Oliver  is in there ..... just teach me how to fight and I promise you won't ever have to save my ass" I told him. After hearing my sentence king Darius only walked off .

" are you going to answer me or what" I shouted running up to him and pulling his elbow. In one swift move he had me pinned against the wall with my hands above my head . " lesson number one don't ever drop your guard , now go get change and be back in 30"  he says looking me in the eyes

however he still had me pinned  so I couldn't move. I felt Him looked down on my lips then up on my eyes and back again.without warning The room became gettting unexplainably hot and my breath unexpectedly caught in my throat. he then leaned forward and I closed my eyes with confusion bubbling inside of me. When nothing happened I opened my eyes to see him staring back at me and in this moment I couldn't get more self conscious of my morning breath. " your lips are dry" he says wetting his. " oh I'd love to wet them for you......... he says removing his right hand and rubbing his thumb across my lips. " but not yet little hybrid" and with that he was gone.

The vampire kings and the hybrid Where stories live. Discover now