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Finally gaining consciousness after a few minutes wasn't the first talent the king had discovered however it wasn't the last. " hmp" she muttered as she rose up " well that was quick" Alex says " are you ok , Little hybrid"asked Darius " am fine she says in a serious voice .  " harsh" says Alex  . " can I leave here and see my people" she asked but all she earned was silence. " I see , so am your prisoner" she asked " it's not that simple love" Alex says " all I want is to find out what happened to my father and you treat me like I can do you harm by leaving" she says " from what I can recall you came to me" Darius says " wow!" She replies getting up.

" would you at-least hear me o- darius tried saying but suddenly what she saw about her father also entered his mind causing him to flinch back a bit and so she left. " what was that" Alex asked " her father ... was killed in the riot 3 centuries ago" he says and they both let out a sight . " let me guess it's gonna get a whole lot worst before it gets better" Lexi implied while entering

8 am in the morning and time for college but here I was standing in the mirror and looking at the necklace around my neck or the pendant rather. The same necklace my father placed around me before he .... Well I don't know but something in me is begging me to find out, however A knock knock at the door draw my attention. " enter" I replied and then it hit me ,that scent. " good morning king, what lured you to my doors" I say" are you ready to hear me out" he says " you owe me nothing... so let it go my king" I say with anger and turning back to the mirror . For a moment there was silence until I felt a warm breath on my neck that both froze me and glued me to the spot making me never dear move . "who gave this to you" he asked tracing the air loon around my neck but my focus was else where.

" I need your words red" he says again " f-family air loon " I say . Another moment of silence passed until I felt his left hand around my neck. I wanted to shout ,I wanted to scream but the only sound that came  was "hmm". And That, only made his grip firmer " be careful little red .... Your playing with fire" he whispered behind my ears . Out of instinct i leaned back alittle at him ( something I'll regret) and I felt him kissing my neck. " hmmmmm" I let myself say again only this time a little louder. " don't (kiss) do (kiss) that ( kiss)"  he says . Not on my own will I tilt my head a little giving him better access but we both pulled away when a woman walked in . " erm, am sorry" she says " it's ok .... Is everything alright??" I asked " a gentle man is at the front asking for you" she says " who might that be" I asked " Oliver" she says " oh that gentleman" I said again " boyfriend??" Darius asked while I chuckled. " what?? No he's my best friend" I told him

" he was her best-friend " Darius  says softly . " who" I asked " you heard??" Darius asked " yes.... But who is her" I asked back" forget I said something, get to class". And with that he was gone . " he was talking about a mate" Kenna says " well halo there stranger." I replied and was left with silence . With nothing else to do I head to the university.

As soon as I left the house I felt like going black and I was determined not to let it stop me. So Here I was at the cafeteria with a hood over my head and arms fold. " look what the cat dragged in" Tokyo says stalking towards me . "Hello to you too" I replied " you don't say" she accused" I feel like I wanna throw up" I replied. " are you like pregnant" she asked" I could be" i replied "not without a man you arnt and your as single as a hit record my friend" she says causing my wolf to die of laughter. " let's get to class" she says again trying to catch her breath.

In this present moment I was annoyed at this teacher for what reason I don't know. Currently we we were learning how to get into someone's head something only some vampires are able to do . "Inez ??, are you still with us" our teacher asked " yes mam" I answered . After that moment I turned my full attention to the teacher and class went pretty normal after that.

I was walking to the art room when I saw someone watching me. Something I learn the hard way was never let an opponent know you saw them so I walked all the way around and at this time I was standing behind him with a stake. " let's take a walk" I said pushing it towards his left side.  " your a lot like your father" he says " what did you say" I replied distracted for a moment and in the space of a mere second he took the stake from me and held it to my heart . " we can't talk here" he tells me right after taking my hand and leading me to the woods.

" what did you say earlier" I shouted pulling away my hand " I said your a lot like your father"  he repeats " father... you mean..... and I trailed off sitting on a log . " yes am an alpha who knows your father " he says " I don't trust you, your lying" I shouted " but you would trust the coven you bearly even knew lead by the mate who rejected you" he spat . " what do you know about that" I asked " news flash Inez words spread, and your so called mate is the only master who had rejected his fated mate and lived happily ever after ,do you know how rare it is" he said " it doesn't matter why are you here whatever your name is " I asked turning my back " it's Ryan, and am here to remind you that you have a family that wants you and appreciates you" he says " you mean that family who had left me to die for being one of them" I asked

" we didn't have a choice" he says " of course you didn't....even if you did why would you care" I shot back . " oh so you'd rather stay locked up in a kingdom instead of saving your people" he asked " am not locked up" I shouted " tell me then when have you ever left to anywhere other than shopping and that so call university" he asked " I don't need this" I say and he walked away. " ok then go back to being locked away" he says as I turn my back but thinking about his words i felt a pang of guilt. "Wait!!...... promise me if I go with you ,you'll help me find out what happened to my father" I propose " fine but we have to go now..... your vampire boyfriends are near" he says " what ?? No!!! They're not my boyfriends" I replied " take my hand!!" He ordered and I obeyed.

Where I once stood were woods but now I was standing near ranches . " where are we" I asked "  you were born here" he replied. " for the record they're not my boyfriends"  I stated " you have the knowledge but you are as blind as a bat in daylight" he says "no am not" I shot back " you are thought.... For its right in-front of you but you still don't see it" . " what exactly don't I see" I asked . " that the vampire king and his brother are in love with you" he says  which made me burst out laughing but when he didn't I stopped. " your serious" I asked " I don't play around Inez" he tells me. " they are anything but inlove with me am just a - " a what hmmmmm daughter of an alpha , the hybrid, special , should I continue" he asked. " we are talking about vampire kings here Ryan ......hybrid or not I don't think am their type" I replied.

" sit down" he says pointing to a spot behind a small fire. After a while I took a seat and soon he fallowed. " let me tell you a story.... About 5000 years ago the king you know was born , five minutes later Alex and 30 minutes after that Alexandra commonly known as Lexi ." He explained. " they are triplets" I asked . " yes.... Darius was born in war and he was born to be an air ....... His grandfather was the one who gave the order for the execution of  your father for impregnating a married woman.  Now few years later when Darius was a well enough groomed vampire he was to assend the throne but about half a month before  he had found his mate........ however royalty wasn't a settled type of girl so he was rejected.

" I can't be with you Darius look at yourself" she told him " royalty please don't" he plead with her but soon the words that would change him forever left her mouth. " i royalty bane reject my bond to you darius akatsuki" and seeing she was serious he gave her freedom " i Darius akatsuki Accept your rejection.

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