Loosing battles

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I hadn't get any sleep because I could feel different emotions .I felt so thirsty yet happy and I could also feel anger radiating off me. I had just finish doing a sketch thought because one of the things about me I was one of the best artist I have ever seen. That ring that I had seen on king Darius and prince alex I couldn't get it off my mind so I did what I always do and I drew it . My twentieth birthday was in one month time even thought I am actually a 104 (hehe) . My birthday didn't even matter to anyone in the east light coven well except Lilly. As we speak I had already gotten dress and in my sweatpants , sports bra and an oversized t.

This morning was actually the day they get to meet my wolf . Although i am unintentionally pissed off at the king . I did plan on avoiding all three of them because they seem to not like me . It was about 9:30 now so I had better be going . I grabbed my side bag ,my books ,pen and a shoe before I race off. If we are talking about speed then this could have taken me five minutes but I did decided to walk at human rate today. When I had arrived , there were a few students here and there but still not too many. " Inez!!" I heard behind me and I looked around to see rose " good morning " I replied with a smile " girl your sense of fashion is older than my grandma's and she's 1021 years old" I heard her say causing me to smile " you know you sound a lot like Lilly she used to tell me , wear something appealing, you look like my grandma and the list goes on." I tell her

" just saying my friend you should really wear something that shows up them curves" she replied " oh my god !! Can we keep her" kenna say and I giggle making rose look at me confused " oh that was just my wolf asking if she can keep you" I told her with my hands up "only until my mate gets back" she replied "where are the others" I asked " am the only one who ever gets here on time" she replies. Soon enought we had entered our first class as the bell goes off. " good morning everyone" our teacher says " good morning" every one replied" so , you all know how this works whenever we have a new student the king , prince and his royal family comes to see their introduction" she tells us "how come I didn't know of this" I asked rose and she dipped her shoulders. " you guys can head for the outside now, I'll catch up" our teacher says . Everyone did as they were told and we all head for the clearing .

Upon reaching as I expected stood nick, Alex , Alexandra and of course king Darius. There were people I have never seen before and as we saw them everyone bows their head in respect. " I trust you are all doing well" Alex says and they replied " yes your highness" while other females battle their eyelashes and this was the first I had noticed alex had a tattoo .

With 2 of his buttons undone I could see apart of his chest and what looked like a flower layed on it but it was too far for me to see what kind

I did try my best to avoid the gaze of both men while trying to take a spot beside rose. " we have a few new grifters with ,us 3 to be precise, Inez moonlight , Rex Blackwood and Timothy Ross please step forward" Alexandra says and we did as we were told . " Timothy you're up" i heard Alex say and he took the middle .Timothy was a vampire with abilities to manipulate water so I was mesmerized. I also had a few secrets of my own like I could read minds, manipulate elements of nature and the list goes on.

Timothy did his thing and so did Rex and now I was up. " Inez are you sure you want to do it today" miss daisy asked " I can" I say giving her a nod " Inez are you kidding me" my wolf says " we are doing this Kenna grow some balls" I replied. I sucked in a breath and with in seconds my big Snow White wolf came out on four paws . " whoo!!" I heard every one cheered but I already knew what their reaction would be . My wolf was white as snow with black patches on her toes and my blue eyes . the thing is most wolf loose their eye color after transitioning but not me. *howl*

And I can practically here their thoughts. some thought it's was amazing while others wanted to touch her . " thats fucking amazing" I heard Alexandra mind say and soon enough i shifted back only this time I ended up in a joggers and only a sports bra . " Inez the scars" my wolf says and I saw everyone covering there mouths.

Feeling sad  I used my vampire speed to exit the show and went to the locker room . After taking out a pullover I felt a little embarrassed to go back to the cafeteria so  I sat down  ..... "  I totally forgot about that Kenna am sorry" I apologized to her but she wasn't mad she was just a little sad for me when she remembered how I got them. 14 years old was my age when my mother died and people say it's my fault . It was one bright Saturday morning and the fight where members of the coven would know their ranks ,were coming up so I trained night and day . This specific morning I decided to go running in my wolf form .fortunately for me no one knew I was a hybrid yet and I was jump by 4 boys .

I was just running and minding my own buiness when I was pushed to the ground with a bang and before Kenna could register they were on me clawing my back ...... I did gain a upper hand thought when one of them slipped over a wood but the thing with vampire venom is it weakened you, so the more I fought the weaker I became. my mother came to my aid right on q and suddenly heads were ripping off and bodies were all over but then more came and fortunately she killed them all . " are you aright little wolf" my mother asked which earned her a whimper but all she did was smile and pat my wolf , before I could register blood came spilling from her neck as her eyes held shocked "NO!!" we both screamed and Kenna ripped the vampire head off but we still couldn't save my mother . Kenna always blamed herself for my mother's death saying if she would have been a better fighter she would be alive but Kenna did what she could.

" Inez" I heard Adrian called but I didn't look at him or answer " are you ok" he asked in a rather soft voice causing me to snap my head to him. " you came here to find out if am ok" I asked with a laugh" yes why else would I come" he asked looking confused " nothing , just thought , the scars would maybe make you guys rethink our...." And I trailed off " friendship??" He asked and I just nodded " I would never judge you because of some scars when i myself has quite a fe" he says right after he removed his shirt and if I thought my scars were bad his succumbed mine. he had huge claw marks all over his back and belly plus they looked deep . " what happened?" I asked softly " oh I got those as a punishment. in my coven whenever you disobey a law it's punishable by a permanent branding and by the looks of this you know I did quite some damage" he says putting on his shirt with a chuckle.

We then decided it was time to at least get something to drink and poor me didn't know anything about what to drink here . " you can get blood or you can get smoothie and take my advice their smoothie is worst that bad blood" he tells me, with the last part in a rather whisper " unfortunately I can't drink anyone blood" I tell him with a sad smile " why ??" He asked in a confused manner " because anyone I feed off die " I replied " so what do you drink" he asked " since I got here the only blood I've drinked is from the blood bank at the palace" I told him and he gave me a sad look " what??" I asked " those blood are not really ordinary ....no one expects the royals ever drink those and plus your not drinking from the owner so it will do no harm" he says

I completely ignored that and decided we should head to the second class . The day went pretty normal after that but I was pretty weak since I was bearly feeding. After getting throught my second class , we went on a shopping spree and I didn't go home until about 8:00 pm . I was banged up and weak by the time I had reached the palace doors not to Mention I had a million bags ." Let me get these" I heard Jayden say walking over and taking them from me " are you alright you look pale" he asked " yeah , am fine" I replied and tried my best to reach my room without wobble. " where were you" I heard a voice asked causing me to jump . " one of the girls brought me shopping" I replied " have you fed ??" She asked " am just gonna go change first" I told her and turned back to walking " you need to get some blood into your system" Kenna says

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