One More Week To Go

Start from the beginning

Meanwhile, in Carmine Headquarters, Carmilla, Zestial, Alastor, and Rosie gather around a table.

Carmilla: (sternly) Thank you all for coming. As you know, in a few days, the princess of hell shall be getting married to the former Exorcist soldier Vaggie, but that is not why I've you all here. Unfortunately, it appears that many of our fellow overlords were killed during Gabriel and his Warstar Goons' rampage, along with millions of sinners and Hellborn. Aside from Vox, Velvette, and... a certain someone we don't talk about, we are the last overlords in Hell.

Carmilla presses a button on the table as a chart pops down behind her.

Carmilla: (sternly) According to the chart, our control over Hell is falling apart. Even the Vees are suffering financial issues. Something must be done. I thought going to war against Heaven would be too much of a risk, but even I know this is getting out of control. We must take action now.

Alastor: (calmly) If I may, there seems to be an inconsistency with your chart.

Carmilla: (confused) Explain.

Alastor: (calmly) Simple, there's four of us in this room, the two remaining Vees and... the other one, making seven, yet I see eight lines on the chart.

Alastor stands up and points his cane at a light blue line that is going up in a straight line, slowly reaching the other lines.

Alastor: (calmly) It seems we have a new player in town who seems to be quickly making-

Zestial: (calmly) If that is the case, why has this "new player" not shown themselves?

Rosie: (analytically) Perhaps they're operating covertly, consolidating power before making any overt moves.

Carmilla: (nodding) Whatever their strategy, we must not interfere. Whoever this person is will show themselves in time.

Alastor: (calmly) Well then, it seems we have ourselves a little game to play. And I do love a good game.

Back at Lucifer's mansion, Angel Dust attempts to make a house of cards with Husk's cards.

Husk: (concerned) Be careful. Those cards are no joke.

Angel Dust: (calmly) Relax, I got this.

Angel Dust carefully balances the cards, building them higher and higher until... they collapse in a flurry of motion. As a few of the cards fly into the walls and explode.

Suddenly, Odette enters the room and looks up from her notepad to see a card flying towards her as she quickly steps out of the way, causing it to fly out of the room and explode in the hallway.

Angel Dust: (nervously) Sorry...

Odette sighs before walking away, heading towards Clara.

Clara: (curious) So, sis, did you order the cake?

Odette: (calmly) Yes, it shall arrive on the day of the wedding.

Clara: (excitedly) Great! I can't wait to see it. Do you think it'll be as fabulous as the pictures say?

Odette: (calmly) Knowing the baker I hired, it'll be beyond fabulous. It'll be a masterpiece.

An hour later at Carmine Headquarters in Carmilla's office, Carmilla, and Zestial stand facing a window.

Zestial: (calmly) Are you sure about taking lethal action against Heaven? I understand your concerns, but previously, you have tried everything in your power to stop such an event.

Carmilla: (calmly) The tables have turned. Ever since the Exorcists were defeated, it seems Heaven is getting desperate. I saw firsthand what their new minions could do, and both my daughters almost died in the crossfire if not for Lucifer's daughter and her friends. If Hell uprising against Heaven will save my daughters, then so be it.

Zestial: (concerned) But what of your son in Heaven, if an uprising against Heaven becomes a reality, surely he will be killed.

Carmilla: (calmly) I failed him once before. I should have listened to him. If I did, Odette and Clara wouldn't be stuck down here, but instead, I...

Carmilla feels a tear dropping from her left eye as she quickly wipes it off.

Carmilla: (calmly) Anyway, I think it's best if we just think about the now.

Zestial: (calmly) I understand, Carmilla.

Zestial turns to leave, although stops.

Zestial: (calmly) Do your daughters know?

Carmilla: (confused) Know what?

Zestial: (calmly) About the existence of their brother.

Carmilla: (calmly) No, and I prefer to keep it that way... for now, at least.


Back at Lucifer's mansion, the king himself walks into his room, laughing to himself before his thoughts are halted when he sees the family portrait of himself, Charlie, and... Lilith.

Lucifer walks towards the picture, memories of the divorce with his not-so-nice ex-wife flashing in his mind.

Lucifer: (frustrated) You better not ruin this for our daughter, Lilith. Mark my words, if you try to destroy my daughter's heart by showing up... it will be you who will be suffering this time.

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