Chapter 13

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The sun was beginning to set as I made my way back towards the green slopes where I had agreed to meet Draco. My heart was in my throat and I felt frustratingly nervous as I walked towards the trees where, only earlier, we had agreed to have a date. I wasn't really sure what I had been thinking these last few months, kissing Draco, fucking Draco, and now dating Draco? It was all strange and none of it made sense, I knew it wasn't something I could call a relationship, for one it was Draco Malfoy, of course it wasn't a relationship, and two, a relationship between us would ruin school life for us both. Harry and Ron would never forgive me, the Hufflepuff girls wouldn't trust a girl dating Draco Malfoy, and well, Draco had the reputation of being a Malfoy to keep up. 

I familiar head of blonde hair waited for me under the trees, Draco turned to face me and nodded an awkward hello. Oh god, had I made it awkward? Was this a bad idea? 

"What's the plan?" I asked Draco, brushing my thoughts aside and looking up at him with a smile, my stomach in knots.

"You're going to sit down and we're going to talk," he replied stiffly, I raised an eyebrow at him in amusement.

"Am I indeed?" I asked with a chuckle, Draco rubbed a hand over his face before giving me a look that said shut up or this date is over. I went to sit on the cold grass but Draco stopped me.

"Hang on," he took off his cloak and laid it down, gesturing for me to take a seat. I looked at him in surprise but then we both sat on his cloak, shoulders touching and a strange feeling in the air. Draco shoved his hands in his pockets, pulling out two chocolate frogs and a couple of other sweets from Honeydukes, he passed me a chocolate frog which I took hesitantly. Realisation dawned on me slowly as I looked down at the cloak we sat on and then at the treats, this was a picnic, his sweet and awkward idea of a picnic. It may as well have been a picnic blanket with a basket of food and candles, it was his perfectly Draco way of doing a picnic.

"Is this a picnic?" I asked, smiling at Draco in delight.

"Don't be stupid," he snapped at me, shooting me a look before continuing in a sullen warning tone, "...tell anyone and I'll kill you myself," his tone changed and he seemed awkward once again. I couldn't help the grin that appeared on my face as I looked to Draco, I liked this awkward Draco who seemed out of his depth, he was sweet and almost cute.

"You wouldn't," I smile smugly, taking a bite out of the chocolate frog he had given me. "So, Mr Malfoy, let's ask some generic date questions," I grinned, "any brothers? Sisters?" I asked. He simply shook his head and so I carried on, "okay, parents? What about your mother? Tell me about her," he seemed to consider this for a moment.

"Her name is Narcissa," he responded, seeming unsure what else to say.

"Lovely name, do you get on well?" I asked, he nodded and I realised Draco probably didn't engage in many personal conversations. He didn't seem to know what to say, picking at the wrapping to one of his sweets. I decided to do what I did best and babble. "I get on well with my mum, love her very much. She's always taken such good care of me, I don't think anyone will ever care for me like she does. And she has such a caring job, she works with beasts. I've met so many creatures thanks to my mum, we have all sorts of rescued beasts at home," I chuckle, a smile on my face as I think of home.

"Your dad?" Draco asks, listening intently to every word that left my mouth.

"He... He's okay," I start awkwardly, less eager to discuss him, "he left when I was young, he makes annual appearances to see me though... His job was always very top secret, I don't know what he does really," I sighed.

"Why did he-" Draco stops abruptly, unsure if he's allowed to ask that question, I smile at him reassuringly.

"Why did he leave?" I finished Draco's question and he nodded, "him and my mum grew apart, I guess" I shrugged before continuing, "my mum was a Hufflepuff, she's all light and kindness, my dad..." I paused to laugh, "he was a Slytherin, he was different once, apparently, I think he just became colder as the years went on,".

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