Chapter 11

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I was nervous from the moment I woke up, nervous to see Draco, to look him in the eyes in public after what we had done at the top of the Astronomy tower. As per usual, I took my seat at the table with Harry, Hermione and Ron, smiling at them nervously. They all mumbled greetings to me, their mouths already stuffed with food.

"Ron, you know no one is planning to steal the food off your plate, right?" I laughed, watching as he scoffed down food quicker than I could even blink. He mumbled something through his mouthful of food but I had no idea what, I just rolled my eyes at him before turning my attention to the rest of the great hall. It was loud with chatter and students could be seen hopping between tables, talking to friends from other houses. I tried not to look at the Slytherin table but my eyes betrayed me almost instantly and I found myself locking eyes with Draco Malfoy. A slow smirk spread across his face as he leaned back and eyed me with that frustratingly self-confident look. This time it was my face that betrayed me, I felt the heat flush across my cheeks and I knew they had turned bright red, I could feel it from the tip of my nose to the tips of my ears.

"Blimey y/n, are you okay? You've gone as red as a tomato!" Ron exclaimed, Harry and Hermione turned towards me with equal looks of concern on their faces. 

"Y-Yeah! Fine! Just really, really warm all of a sudden, I need some air!" I choked out, feeling my cheeks get warmer still. Without looking at any of them, I flew from my seat, making a break for the side door out of the hall. I burst out onto the terrace which lead to the garden above the Hufflepuff common room, relieved by the feeling of the cold air on my face. Noticing a few students at the bottom of the steps, I instead turned left, carrying on along the terrace which bordered the hall and round a corner. I found myself in a small alcove, just out of sight of the doors I had come through, and let my back hit the wall in relief. I hated that Draco knew the effect he was having on me, it probably gave him a smug satisfaction to know I couldn't even look him in the eyes without getting flustered now.

"That colour looks good on you," mocked a smug but familiar voice as Draco rounded the corner. "The red, I mean," he grinned, stopping right in front of me, so close that my cooling cheeks began to heat up again.

"Don't mock me!" I argued, covering my cheeks with both my hands and glaring at him. The smug look on his face didn't go away as he grabbed both of my wrists and forced my hands away from my cheeks.

"But I like it when you blush for me," he murmured, brushing his fingers across my cheek before resting them under my chin, tilting my head up towards him. I continued to glare at him but it seemed to amuse him further and my glare faltered when he stroked his thumb across my lower lip. I found myself breathless and at a loss for words as he leaned his head towards me slowly, his lips almost touched mine and a smirk formed on his lips once again. Before I could react to his irritating smirk, I heard familiar voices leaving the great hall through the door I had left through.

"Where did she go?" I heard Ron's voice ask.

"I don't know but I don't like that Malfoy followed her out here, he's up to something," came Harry's voice. I noticed a look in Draco's eyes, he was listening too, we both stood silently around the corner, bodies pressed together.

"Sadistic bastard, he saw her come out here alone and probably followed her to torment her a bit," Ron sounded disgusted and my eyes flicked to Draco, he was eyeing me again with a smirk.

"And am I?" Draco breathed, face close to mine, "am I tormenting you?" he asked quietly, that delicious yet frustrating self-pleased look on his face. 

"You're always tormenting someone," I responded quietly, the confidence I had intended not coming across at all. I could still hear Ron and Harry talking around the corner but my focus was no longer on them, I swallowed as my eyes flicked down to Draco's lips. "You could torment me a bit more though," I bit my lip, eyes flicking back up to his. A smug grin appeared on his face as tilted my chin up once again, holding my jaw in his hand as he pulled me closer.

"No," he refused, letting go of me and walking away all at once. I stood there with my mouth agape as I heard him spit "Potter," he strolled right back in through the door to the great hall without even pausing. Had Draco Malfoy just rejected me? Anger rose in me and I had squash it down, whether he was teasing or serious, I would not let him have that kind of control over me. Not wanting to have an awkward conversation with Harry and Ron, I carried on along the path that bordered the great hall.


Later that day, I sat in Charms class doing my best to ignore Draco, I could feel his eyes burning into me but I refused to give him the satisfaction of locking eyes with him. Instead, I met eyes with Harry and gave him my best smile, he smiled back before turning his attention back to Flitwick. I jotted down notes of what was being said in class but didn't really pay full attention, I was too distracted with my own little scheme to irritate Draco. I tilted my head to the side as I took notes, my hair falling over my shoulder and to one side and my shirt pulled down slightly, flashing the hickey in Draco's direction. I readjusted to hide it again, still not looking in his direction. Class continued on like this, with me subtly doing things to catch Draco's attention but giving him none of my own. I knew that by the end of class, he would be reconsidering that 'no'.

Telling the trio that I would meet up with them in a bit, I deliberately took a quiet route away from Flitwick's classroom and unsurprisingly, Draco followed. I turned left into a silent hallway and spun back around, Draco appearing before me with a dark look on his face.

"Smiling an awful lot at Potter today," he spat Harry's name as usual, approaching me slowly until we were almost touching.

"Have you been watching me, Draco?" I smiled innocently as I asked the question, he shoved me up against the wall.

"I've been watching you make eyes at Potter," he hissed, his hand grabbed my throat and I couldn't help but bite my lip, "and whatever it was you were doing with your neck," he referred to me flashing my hickey.

"My neck?" I pretended to be confused.

"You know what I'm talking about," he growled before his lips crashed into mine. I immediately felt satisfied that I  got to have my way, pleased to know that I had an affect on him too. He kissed me roughly and hard, pressing me against the wall and lightly squeezing my throat in his hand. I moaned slightly, my fingers curling into the jumper that covered his chest. He pulled away slightly, "I want you now," he muttered against my lips, letting go of my throat to pull at my skirt. Our lips met again and I pushed him, walking him back towards the opposite wall until he was pressed against it, my hand wandered down to his bulge, rubbing against it before I broke away.

"No," I refused with a triumphant smirk before marching away, leaving him there in his aroused state.

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