Chapter 5

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The next couple of weeks that followed were interesting. I was still angry with Draco for stealing my first kiss because it was "fun" as he had put it but I also couldn't deny that it was fun. Harry proceeded to not speak to me, he wouldn't look at me and he was constantly dipping out of conversations that I happened to join. When I had kissed him, I hadn't wanted to destroy our friendship, I had simply wanted him to know about my crush. The crush that was now fast fading to the point where I wondered if I had ever really liked Harry at all. I had tried countless times to speak to him, trying to wish him luck for the first tournament and then trying to congratulate him after the first tournament too but he just seemed to brush me off. It didn't feel fair and it certainly didn't feel like a polite way of telling someone you weren't interested.

I sat in the great hall at the Hufflepuff table, mind drifting like this for a while, I couldn't stop my eyes from subconsciuously drifting over to where Draco sat on the Slytherin table, thinking about how much I wanted to bury my hands back in that platinum hair. As if he knew I was looking, his eyes flicked my way and he smirked slightly, causing a blush to creep up my cheeks as I quickly turned away. I quickly downed my drink, hoping to take my mind off of Draco and his stupid hair.

I noticed Harry enter the hall and tried not to pay him any attention which became increasingly difficult as he looked as though he was heading straight for me.

"y/n," he called as he came to a stop behind me, I slowly turned around to face him, unsure of what was happening. 

"Harry..." I replied softly, looking at him with confusion in my eyes.

"I wondered..." he trailed off before continuing, "I wondered if you might go to the Yule Ball with me?".

I choked slightly before looking at him with incredulous eyes. "Hang on, Harry Potter, you ignore me for weeks and now you want to go to the ball together?!" I snapped, not realising how hurt I was by him ignoring me until this moment.

"I... I owe you an apology, I think..." he started.

"You think?!" I demanded, staring at him.

"I know. I'm sorry... I just needed time to... think?" the last part almost sounded like a question. I sighed and went to turn back to my food, fully aware of all the eyes on us once again. Harry sighed too and walked away in defeat. I shot an irritated look at those watching and continued to eat.

That night I got into bed, mind heavy with thoughts of Harry. In his defence, I had kissed him out of no where and then apologised and run off, leaving him in front of his whole common room filled with people watching. But then, was that reason enough to barely give me the time of day for weeks? I tossed and turned thinking about it and wondered if maybe we could just go back to being friends like before. That night I made up my mind to go to the ball with Harry, as friends, it wasn't like Draco could take me anyway. Did I want Draco to take me to the ball? Merlin's beard, we had only kissed a handful of times and it was hardly the height of romance. I decided to push Draco out of my mind altogether, rolling over and finally getting some sleep with my newly made up mind.


That morning, I walked confidently into the great hall for breakfast, approaching the Gryffindor table where Harry, Hermione and Ron all sat. Ron and Hermione's eyebrows shot up when they saw me, causing Harry to twist around in his seat. He looked surprised to see me too.

"Okay, Harry," I nodded to him but he just stared at me.

"Okay?" He asked, confusion clear in his daft eyes.

"I'll go with you to the ball," I smiled, watching as a smile spread over his face. There was my friend.

"You will?" He asked with a big smile, he looked daft when he smiled like that and it made me chuckle as I nodded to him before taking the seat next to him.

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