Chapter 7

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Expecting to sleep easily tonight, I had confidently curled up under my duvet, exhausted after a night of dancing. However, sleep did not come to me and hours later I found myself tossing and turning. With a frustrated sigh, I sat up in bed, throwing the duvet off of me and swinging my legs over the edge. I picked up a long oversized cardigan and threw it on before silently tip-toeing out of the room and into the Hufflepuff common room. If sleep wasn't going to find me then I would find it, a walk around the castle could help tire me out a little I decided.

I crept out of the common room, wary that Filch could be around any corner, probably waiting to catch giddy students who hadn't let the end of the ball stop them from keeping the party going after curfew. My feet padded quietly against the stone floor as I proceeded to wander down the hallways of Hogwarts, enjoying the silence of the empty corridors. My mind slowly began to unpack the evening, I knew in reality that Draco probably had benefited from dancing with me in his competition with Harry but the look on Harry's face when he had seen me dancing with Draco had satisfied me so much. My fingers dragged against the cold stone walls as I continued to walk, lost in my own thoughts. Probably not the best place to lose awareness of my surroundings in favour of my thoughts, something I only realised as I rounded a corner and crashed straight into a hard chest, the smell of mint and cologne filled my nose and my eyes widened.

"Out of the way, Hufflepuff," Draco spat as he shoved me aside. I clutched my hand to my heart dramatically.

"Not even y/l/n today?" I gasped, still clutching my heart, not expecting Draco to turn on me. Before I had time to react, he had shoved me against the wall, breathing heavily and his whole body pressed against mine.

"I'll call you whatever I like," he hissed, reverting back to the Draco I had known for most of my time at Hogwarts. My brows furrowed in irritation.

"Merlin's beard, Draco, you don't get to just be interested in me sometimes!" I responded, the anger clear in my voice at his sudden rudeness.

"I'm not interested in you sometimes," he sneered.

"Good to know," I responded bluntly, shoving him away in an attempt to storm away, unsure why Draco not being interested in me affected me. Draco's hands held my wrists firmly though and he shoved me harder against the wall.

"I'm interested in you all the time," he snapped before his lips crashed into mine. He kissed me roughly, his lips moving almost desperately against mine and his tongue seeking access that I gladly provided. I couldn't find it in me to care that this was still Draco Malfoy that I was kissing, too wrapped up in the enjoyment of it to care.

Footsteps sounded around the corner and Draco broke away, replacing his lips with his hand over my mouth as he listened. The footsteps proceeded to come closer, Draco noticed this and roughly grabbed my hand, pulling me silently along the corridor and around a corner.

"Did you hear that, Mrs Norris?" came Filch's voice, "Who's there? Not students breaking curfew I hope," he called out, clear that he wasn't really hoping for that, the man thrived on getting students into trouble. His hurried footsteps started to approach faster than before and Draco dragged me behind him as he set off into a run. I could hear Filch yelling behind us, our presence no longer a secret but his voice faded behind us the further we ran. Draco pulled me into a dark classroom, his hand immediately leaving mine, I tried not to feel too disappointed. A smirk appeared on Draco's face as he turned to face me and I couldn't help but laugh, the excitement of escaping Filch going straight to my head. Draco cracked a small smile of amusement before wiping it off his face and smacking his hand over my mouth.

"Are you trying to announce our hiding spot?" he hissed. Still a bit giddy from the excitement, I didn't think as I automatically licked his hand to make him release my mouth. "What the hell was that?!" Draco's hand shot away from my mouth, "y/n  y/l/n, did you just lick me?" Draco asked in shock, wiping his hand on his trousers.

"You were covering my mouth..." I excused nervously, Draco continued to just stare at me.

"I don't think anyone has ever licked me," Draco laughed, taking me by surprise. I hadn't ever seen Draco laugh in a nice way, usually he laughed at the insults he hurled at people but never genuine laughter like this. I started to smile, trying not to laugh again. Suddenly Draco was stepping towards me, his scent surrounding me as his hand buried itself in my hair, pulling me in for another kiss. Not as rough as the first but passionate. As he kissed me, he slowly walked me backwards, only stopping when I was pressed against a desk. He gave my hips a quick upward tug, indicating I should jump, doing so I found myself now sitting on the desk with Draco standing between my legs, still kissing me passionately. One hand buried in my hair, he gave it a small tug, breaking the kiss and pulling my head to the side slightly as he proceeded to leave kisses down my neck. I felt a tingle go down my spine as he pulled my collar aside, allowing him access to more of my skin. He began to suck on the skin just below my neck and I couldn't suppress the small moan that left my lips, he smiled against me before moving back up to my mouth, planting one more passionate kiss against my lips before stepping back. I hid the feeling of disappointment and hopped off of the desk, smoothing down my clothes before looking back up at Draco who smirked at me.

"What exactly were you doing out of bed after curfew?" He asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I could ask you the same," I retorted, mockingly crossing my arms over my chest too. Draco looked me up and down, a look in his eye that made my stomach do somersaults. 

"I think you should be going back to your dorm now, Hufflepuff," he said rather smugly, noticing the way my cheeks had begun to turn pink. The way he called me Hufflepuff this time didn't bother me at all.

"Probably for the best," I sighed, trying not to let on what a flustered state he had gotten me in, "good night, Slytherin," I mocked before heading straight for the door. 

It was only when I was reentering my dorm that I realised what Draco had actually said, he was always interested in me? I covered my own mouth with my hand this time, was Draco Malfoy actually interested in me? And was I interested in him? I snuck into the bathroom to splash water against my face and stop myself overthinking but it only got worse when I looked up and noticed the hickey at the base of my neck.

I certainly wouldn't be able to sleep now.

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