Chapter 3

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Weeks passed by and Draco didn't mention the kiss, in fact, he carried on chipping away at my will to live just like usual. It was as though nothing had changed. Except, to me, everything had changed. I was angry, he had taken the first kiss I had intended to save for Harry if he ever stopped being oblivious to my feelings. I wanted to yell at Malfoy, I wanted to let him know how angry I was but there was never a good time to start yelling about the kiss that I didn't want anyone else to know about.

"y/n, you in there?" Ron asked, waving his hand in front of my face. I blinked at him before smiling sheepishly.

"Yeah, sorry, thinking about my... Charms homework?" I replied, not intending it to sound like a question.

"What Charms homework?" He asked, looking puzzled. Before he could push it further, Professor Dumbledore's voice interrupted the chatter, everyone fell silent. We knew what was happening today. The champions of the Triwizard Tournament were to be announced and students all around me buzzed with anticipation. I quickly hopped back over to the Hufflepuff table for the announcement. Over the last few weeks, many students had placed their names in the Goblet of Fire for a chance at eternal glory, including Cedric Diggory from my own house. I didn't know him well but he seemed like a good guy who stood a fair chance. The Weasley twins had put on a particularly entertaining show with an ageing potion in an attempt to get their names in the Goblet of Fire but comically failed. 

Dumbledore began his announcement, the Goblet of Fire spitting names at him. First was Viktor Krum from Durmstrang, he had been rather popular with the ladies, oh and Ron. Second came Fleur Delacour, unsurprisingly, she was rather popular with the men, including Ron again. Applause erupted all over the hall, particularly on the Hufflepuff table, when Cedric Diggory's name was announced. I couldn't help the grin that spread over my face at the idea that the Hogwarts champion was someone from my own house. Celebrations began but were shortly interrupted by the Goblet of Fire spitting out one last name. The hall fell into silence.

"Harry Potter..." Dumbledore's words caused me to choke on my drink before my head shot around to look at Harry on the Gryffindor table. As did everyone else. My face went pale as I stared at Harry in horror. What was he thinking? The tournament was dangerous and he was a bloody fool.

An awkwardness had filled the hall after that and Dumbledore seemed furious. Hell, I was furious. I knew Dumbledore would need to talk to Harry so I left him alone for a while and instead tried to enjoy the celebrations in the Hufflepuff common room. It was a gorgeous room, high beams, beautiful plants everywhere, a huge fireplace, it was cosy and it felt safe. But I couldn't enjoy the celebrations.

I soon found myself storming out of the common room, on a desperate hunt for the Gryffindor common room. I climbed the many stairs to get out of the basements of Hogwarts and up to the Faculty Tower where the Gryffindor common room lay. I didn't exactly know what my plan was when I got there as there was no way I could get in without a Gryffindor student to let me in.

"y/n?" called a familiar voice.

"Hermione! Is he in there? Harry, I mean..." I asked quickly, turning to face my friend who appeared to be on her way to the common room.

"He is... I suppose you need to talk to him?" She asked, that same knowing look in her eyes that seemed to keep popping up when I spoke about or to Harry. I nodded sheepishly. "Come on then," she smiled, leading me into the Gryffindor common room. It was busy, packed with students who were celebrating for the Triwizard Tournament, I had a feeling they weren't celebrating for Harry though. I spotted him, awkwardly standing at the edge of the room, he looked relieved to see us. No one said a thing though as we all stood there for a moment. Hermione excused herself after a moment and I turned to Harry.

"Why did you do it Harry?" I asked, the hurt evident in my voice as I looked at him.

"y/n... I swear I didn't, I don't know what happened!" He responded honestly, his eyes showing the stress he was feeling.

"What do you mean, you didn't? How-" I started but Harry quickly interrupted.

"I mean I didn't put my name in!" he quickly interrupted, my brows creased together in confusion.

"Harry... I'm going to be so worried! What if something happens to you?" I blurted, unsure what to say but knowing I needed to say something. "Even if you didn't put your name in, you're in it now! I don't know what I'll do if you get hurt..." I trailed off, swallowing down a potential sob, determined not to cry.

"You believe me?" He asked, surprise evident on his face.

"Harry Potter, if you say you didn't do it then you didn't do it, that's all I need to hear." I pulled him in for a tight hug before letting go but I didn't step back. Our faces were close and it suddenly occurred to me that this might be my moment. My moment to tell Harry how I felt, to get a redo on my first kiss. Because I didn't have to consider Draco Malfoy to be my first kiss, did I? It could be whoever I wanted it to be. I was a new, braver version of myself this year and I was going to do the things I had wanted to do for a while, starting with this kiss. I noticed people had gone quieter, a few faces watching us, probably hoping for something exciting to tell their friends. I didn't realise how long I had been silent until I noticed Harry starting to step back from me and I made the decision act before it was too late. Giving him a quick pull by his jumper, I pulled Harry towards me, his lips meeting mine in a long awaited kiss. Except this wasn't the first kiss I had dreamed of. This kiss was just a kiss, there were no fireworks, no tingles down my spine. Not like with Draco. I immediately banished the thought from my mind and pulled away from Harry, he looked dazed with a dumb smile on his face.

"Sorry!" I blurted before backing away and running out of the Gryffindor common room, well aware of all the eyes on me.

I couldn't believe it. After waiting so long to have my first kiss with Harry Potter, all I could do was compare it to Draco?! And why had it been so bland? It was like kissing a cardboard bloody cutout. I couldn't hide the overwhelming disappointment I felt, I had tried to redo my first kiss with the boy I had had a crush on for so long and it was ruined. Ruined by Draco Malfoy and his stupid smug face and wonderful kissing skill.

I ran a frustrated hand through my hair and stormed back into the Hufflepuff common room, heading straight to my dorm to go to bed. That night, I did not sleep well.

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