Chapter 8

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I couldn't help but think about what Draco had said, in fact it was all I thought about for weeks. January came around and I caught myself stealing glances at him, my heart fluttering in the most frustrating way when he would catch me looking and give me that look. The smirk, the wink, it was bloody deadly. 

"Hey, y/n," Hermione smiled, taking a seat with me for a moment at the Hufflepuff table.

"Hermione!" I grinned, happy to see my friend, I hadn't seen her much as of late due to avoiding Harry, I felt guilty for that.

"How are you?" she asked but before I could answer, she continued, "you know, I wasn't impressed with how Harry acted at the ball. He can be an idiot sometimes! So can Ron," she sighed.

"They're both idiots then," I agreed, giving Hermione a smile. Ron hadn't exactly acted like an adult at the ball, ruining Hermione's night with what I would say was definitely jealousy. "How's Viktor?" I asked with a slight smirk.

"Oh he's... Lovely? Yeah, lovely..." She trailed off, sounding unsure. I decided not to push it and instead moved on.

"Did Harry send you over?" I knew Hermione didn't want to say it but Harry had definitely sent her to check in on me. She gave me a look that confirmed it for me.

"Come sit with us?" She asked hopefully, I missed my friends, I couldn't say no. 

"If Harry makes one wrong move, I'll smack him though, Hermione," I warned, standing up from my spot on the bench. I followed her, passing the Slytherin table in the process. I was surprised to feel a cold hand wrap itself around my wrist and squeeze, not painfully hard but like a warning. I looked down to see Draco Malfoy, arm outstretched, a glare in his eyes.

"Problem, Malfoy?" I enquired, attempting to snatch my wrist away but getting nowhere. He gave me a long look before releasing my wrist and turning away like I no longer existed. I blinked in surprise before following Hermione who had stopped and turned back to give me a look of concern and confusion.

"What the bloody hell was that?" Ron asked immediately as I sat down next to Hermione, Ron and Harry sat opposite, Harry avoiding eye contact.

"I don't know? Malfoy being Malfoy?" I shot back nervously. Why had he done that? He hadn't spoken to me since the night he told me he was interested, not even to insult me, he had simply given me looks that made my stomach flutter and not come near me. I didn't even want to think about why they made my stomach flutter, there was no way I could crush on Draco Malfoy.

"To be fair, he is bloody weird..." Ron shrugged, "but that was quite weird, even for him,".

"He stares at you a lot too y/n... Danced with you and no one else at the ball, got upset when Harry held your hand... You don't think, Draco Malfoy has a crush on our y/n?" Hermione teased, my eyes were wide and I couldn't help the surprised choke that came from me.

"Are you trying to make me sick?! That would require a heart anyway," Ron cried, motioning as if he were going to throw up. Harry simply glared in Draco's direction, I didn't dare look back at Draco though.

Dinner continued, a strange vibe in the air, not the usual comfortable and chatty meal time I had been used to sat with the trio. I soon excused myself before the others were finished, not comfortable with the moody look on Harry's face or the way Ron and Hermione made awkward conversation to change the subject.

I made my way out of the great hall, unsure where to go and not wanting to go back to my dorm yet. There weren't many students around, most either in the great hall or in their common rooms, it was quiet as I began to walk. I didn't get far, I hadn't realised the doors to the great hall had opened and closed again behind me and certainly didn't realise I had a follower until a familiar voice cleared their throat. I slowly turned around, an unimpressed Draco Malfoy approached me in the empty corridor.

MalfoyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora