Chapter 10

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I didn't spend long in the Hospital Wing, desperate to get back to normality and also to get that conversation with Harry over with. However, I didn't expect that conversation to happen so soon. Harry caught me outside of the great hall, grabbing my wrist as I went to enter.

"y/n, we need to talk," Harry stated, pulling me off to the side.

"Can it be a friendly talk?" I asked nervously, giving him a hopeful look. He nodded.

"First of all, I'm sorry, not just for the lake but for everything before," he looked genuinely sorry.

"I've just missed my friend, I don't care what happened, can we just be friends, Harry?" I questioned, hope in my eyes.

"I'd like nothing more," he smiled, I let out a sigh of relief and grabbed him by the shoulders, pulling him in for a hug. Harry hugged me back before pulling away. "I have some questions though," his face turned more serious.

"I thought you might..." I trailed off.

"Why did Draco save you? Why did he look so worried? And since when does he call you by your first name?" He interrogated, he didn't look angry but he didn't look happy either.

"I did tell you Harry... It isn't all always about you... Him and I? We just... Seem to have an understanding," I decided not to tell him the depth of that understanding, hoping he wouldn't push it.

"What do you mean? Are you friends?" he asked, his brows furrowed.

"No!" I denied a little too loudly, definitely not just friends, I thought to myself.

"Well that's good, he's not someone you make friends with, y/n," he warned, not understanding the true meaning behind my answer.

"Can we go eat now?" I asked hopefully, he looked as though he had more questions but he nodded. With a smile, I turned and walked into the great hall, Harry trailing behind me as I took a seat with Ron and Hermione.

"It's nice to have you back with us, y/n," Hermione smiled, Ron nodded in agreement before seeming to notice something.

"Bet that hurt! Did you get it in the lake, get knocked by something down there?" Ron asked obliviously as he pointed to a spot on his own neck and then at me. I felt the blood leave my face.

"Must have!" Hermione quickly replied, leaning over and pulling my collar together.

"Yeah..." I laughed nervously, Ron didn't seem to notice anything wrong and Harry just looked guilty, clearly thinking about how he had left me there. It was times like these that I was glad Harry was a bit self absorbed.

I enjoyed the meal with my friends, laughing and chatting with them like it had been before things got so confusing. I couldn't help but let my eyes drift to the Slytherin table occasionally, hoping to see Draco but having no such luck. 

It wasn't until I was finishing up that I noticed a familiar head of blonde hair stroll casually in and take a seat at the Slytherin table. We immediately made eye contact and his eyes seemed to be flicking to something behind me, I creased my brows in confusion before he stood up and strolled casually past, right out the door that was behind me. I could only assume that's what his eyes were flicking to and that he wanted me to follow. I excused myself quickly before hurrying out of the same door I had left through at the yule ball, coming out onto a familiar balcony to see a familiar garden. I scanned quickly to make sure no one else was out here before turning to Draco and rushing towards him, I took him by surprise by throwing my arms around his neck and simply hugging him tightly.

"Wha-" he started, not hugging me back.

"Draco Malfoy, you saved my fucking life, hug me back right now," I demanded, moments later feeling his arms hesitantly snake around my waste and squeeze tightly.

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