Chapter 4

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I awoke that morning with a groan, pulling the duvet over my head to block out the daylight shining into my eyes.

The daylight?

I shot out of bed, swearing as I noticed there was no one else in the dorm, they had all gone to class and left me there. I was going to be so late. I threw on my uniform as fast as I could, twisting my hair up in a clip and hoping it didn't look awful as I ran out of the door, hopping to get into my shoes as I ran. I had slept hideously, my mind buzzing with worries about my kiss with Harry and my kiss with Draco. Had I potentially ruined my friendship for a cardboard kiss? Panic filled my mind as I ran through the quiet halls of Hogwarts, desperate to get to my Transfiguration class.

I was taken by surprise when a hand shot out from around a corner and pulled me around it. The hand shoved me hard against the wall and I found my self staring up at a pair of icy grey eyes, angry icy grey eyes. 

"Imagine my surprise, I started my day with rumours that this little mouse had been kissing Potter," Draco spat the name Potter as he slammed his hands against the wall either side of my head.

"It's none of your business who I'm kissing!" I argued, attempting to shove Draco away but he caught my hands in his and held them trapped between us.

"Is that right?" he growled, holding my wrists a little tighter, causing me to wince. "Potter has tainted these lips," he continued, releasing one of my wrists to run his thumb over my lower lip. I couldn't move, my breath stuck in my throat as his thumb ran softly over my lip. "Lips that I kissed first," he smirked, pulling his thumb down and causing my lips to fall open slightly. That was enough of an invitation for him and he smirked as he leaned forward, pressing his lips to mine. Instantly, tingles went down my spine and I felt my face become hot, I couldn't help but kiss him back. This was the feeling I had wanted from my kiss with Harry. One of his hands moved to my hair, burying itself in it, the other released my wrist and clutched tightly at my waist. I found myself curling my hands around the jumper covering his chest and pulled him closer. A voice in my head told me this was wrong but it felt so good, I couldn't possibly stop. Slowly Draco pulled away with a satisfied smile on his face.

"That's better," he whispered against my ear before taking a step back. My breathing was heavy and eyes were wide as I stared at him before realisation hit me.

"Shit!" I swore, realising how late I was to class now. I quickly set off in a run, leaving Draco behind me as I sprinted for my Transfiguration class. I was panting as I reached the door and opened it quietly, hoping to sneak in.

"Oh, how nice of you to finally join us Miss y/l/n," Professor McGonagall began with a raised eyebrow and an unimpressed look on her face. "And look at that, you brought Mr Malfoy with you too," she continued. My head shot around, not expecting him to have followed me.

"Bloody hell!" I exclaimed involuntarily as I jumped slightly at his unexpected presence behind me, causing a small wave of laughter from the classroom. My cheeks flushed red once again.

"Detention, the both of you, see me at the end of the day," McGonagall instructed with a strict tone to her voice. I was surprised when Draco didn't argue and I opened my mouth to say more but was stopped by a pointed look from McGonagall. "If you don't want to lose house points as well, I suggest you both go and take a seat," she suggest, causing me to scurry inside. Draco shoved past me, taking a seat at the final empty desk, leaning back in his chair and eyeing me, knowing full well the only chair left was the one directly next to him on that desk. I sighed and trudged my way over to the desk, noting the smug smile on Draco's face. Hermione shot me a sympathetic look from across the classroom and I noticed Harry looking as though he were trying not to look at me. Great, I had not only ruined my friendship with Harry but also kissed Draco Malfoy a second time.

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