Chapter 9

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I felt guilty, Draco Malfoy was hated by my friends and he hated them too, yet here I was, sneaking off to see him. When I had started this school year, my intention had been to stand up to Draco, not make out with Draco. 

"Took you long enough," came that familiarly smug voice.

"Miss me?" I smirked, walking further into the abandoned bathroom, eyeing Draco as he leaned against the sink. Yes, this was the height of romance, meeting in abandoned bathrooms.

"No," he teased, pulling me towards him, tightly against his chest. 

"I don't believe you," I grinned. He responded by burying a hand in my hair and kissing me, the smell of mint and cologne enveloped me and I kissed him back, standing on tip toes to reach him. He spun me around, picking me up and placing me on the edge of a sink, standing between my legs as he continued to kiss me. Draco laid kisses down my neck before sucking on the skin at the base of it, I knew what he was doing but I couldn't bring myself to stop him, a soft moan escaped my lips. I could feel him smile against my neck before bringing his lips back to mine, he pressed his body hard against mine and I felt that he was after more than just kissing. It was my turn to smile against him before I pushed him away with a smirk.

"I have places to be," I grinned, hopping down from the sink, Draco groaned.

"Hufflepuff, I am telling you now, there is nowhere important enough to warrant you leaving right now," he groaned, grabbing at my hips and pulling me close again.

"Maybe, but we are not doing this in an abandoned bathroom," I rolled my eyes, pushing him away again. He didn't try to pull me back this time, allowing me to wink at him and leave him standing there.

Not far down the hallway, I heard my name.

"y/n, McGonagall wanted to see you," I thanked the first year student who quickly hurried away. I wonder why McGonagall wanted to see me? I shrugged and made my way to her office, I had some questions for her regarding the second task of the Triwizard Tournament anyway.

I knocked at the door to her office, "Professor? You wanted to see me?" I smiled, walking in.

"Yes dear, please, take a seat," she motioned to the chair opposite her desk. "It's in regards to the Triwizard Tournament..." She began, I noticed an apologetic look in her eyes before everything went black.


I didn't know what had happened, one minute I had been in McGonagall's office and the next? I was so cold, I couldn't breathe.

I opened my eyes, panic setting in as I realised I was surrounded by water, cold, dark water. I looked desperately around me, I could see someone swimming away with a small blonde girl in hand, it was hard to tell but it looked like Harry? I tried to scream his name but bubbles came out and I panicked further. This had to be the second task, but why was I here? I looked around frantically, starting to see stars and realising I didn't have long, things started to turn black around me. Before losing consciousness altogether, I noticed a familiar blonde head swimming towards me, Draco's panicked face appeared before mine and then everything faded.

The next thing I felt was the water exiting my lungs as I choked, I noticed a pair of arms holding me upright and I looked up to see Draco's face, no longer full of panic but full of anger instead.

"You just bloody left her, Potter," Draco spat in a direction I didn't have the energy to lift my head and look in. I could hear McGonagall somewhere in the crowd saying how she didn't know what had happened.

"I was going back for her!" Harry yelled, causing me to groan, Draco looked down at me.

"y/n? Are you okay?!" He questioned, hand on my cheek pulling my face to look at him, I gave him a weak smile.

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