10. The frontline

Start from the beginning

On one side of the wall, a group of Valardian soldiers were trying to take down the damaged part of the wall.

Soldier: Sir, the Valardians are trying to destroy the wall with several cannons, our wizards cannot resist any longer!

Lieutenant: damn it, are the adult dragons ready?

Soldier: yes sir, all 6 adult dragons are ready to fly, however...

Lieutenant: now what?

Soldier: Our reconnaissance team has reported the sighting of twelve young dragons and two adult dragons heading our way. It appears that they are transporting firedust and additional cannons. Unfortunately, the dragons spotted our scouts and began attacking them, resulting in the loss of two young dragons and three riders.

Lieutenant: how much time do we have?

Soldier: considering the heavy cargo, 3 hours.

The lieutenant sighed, knowing that it would be a difficult night.

Lieutenant: If anything else happens, please inform me immediately so that I can inform the count about it.

The lieutenant heads to the count's office, where he finds a lizardfolk soldier in armor with a rank insignia on his shoulder discussing the city map with other soldiers.

Lieutenant: Count Urzoras, our reconnaissance team has discovered young and adult dragons delivering equipment to the Valardian soldiers through the city walls. During this activity, two of our young dragons and three riders were killed when they were discovered.

Count Urzoras: are all our dragons in the air?

Lieutenant: They are currently destroying the cannons that are creating a hole in the city wall. They should be finished by now.

Count Urzoras: Those dragons might drop fire dust all over the city. What can we do to stop them?

All the people in the room were trying to think, but the deafening sound of explosions and screams prevented them from doing so until the guard spoke.

Guard: What if we detonate the fire dust cargo to take down the dragons?

Count Urzoras: do you know what you're saying?

Guard: Yes, in fact, if we ignite the fire dust while it's still in the air, the dragons will be forced to drop it before it reaches the city. We can use fire arrows, a dragon's fireball, or even a spell to accomplish this.

Captain: What if the rider discovers it and shoots at us while we are attempting to light it up?

Guard: we kill the rider first.

As the discussion heats up, everyone in the room starts yelling and talking over each other. However, the person in charge intervenes and brings the chaotic conversation to a halt.

Count Urzoras: shut the fuck up! I can't think with all this noise.

Lieutenant: what do we do then?

Count Urzoras: We will follow the guard's plan and use our smaller dragons for a hit-and-run attack.

Captain: Hit and run, like cowards?

Count Urzoras: If you have a better suggestion, feel free to share it.

After a brief discussion between the Captain and the Lieutenant, they both agree that the best course of action is to avoid the city being destroyed. The Lieutenant then goes to the dragon riders to inform them of their new orders. They are now armed with hand muskets and daggers and are tasked with attacking the Valardian riders if necessary.

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