Chapter 1: Beginning

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3rd POV unless I say so

Miyo's mother died when she was only a few months old, leaving her father to raise her alone. He was very kind to her, and they both loved each other very much. That was, until he died in a work accident when she was nine. The home she was placed in, the Itami family, was very abusive towards her. They seemed like nice people at first, but after she was alone with them they became cruel. Especially the mother. Her biological daughter, Saiko, quickly following in her footsteps. Saiko was only three years younger than Miyo, but she acted like a big sister. Not in a kind and caring way, more like she had power over Miyo. She kind of did too, as her parents not only didn't mind her throwing things, yelling, or ordering Miyo about, they praised her for it. Miyo didn't understand why, but she quickly learnt to be silent and obedient, and learnt proper etiquette so she would receive less beatings and injuries. It helped that her dad had already taught her some things about it. They also hated her for her quirk, Ten Shadows. She had a mutated quirk, one she inherited from neither of her parents, and apparently nobody liked that. It was almost as hated as being quirkless, regardless as to weather your quirk was strong or not.

The only thing that kept Miyo from jumping off a building and ending her suffering there and then, were her two friends, Satoru and Suguru. They were all in the same year group together and had known each other since they were three. However, when they were in year six, they all got into a car accident when walking home together. Miyo was injured, but Satoru and Suguru both died right in front of her. She felt depressed for a few months after that. She kept cutting herself, crying herself to sleep every night while she slept in the backyard due to her 'family'. She considered jumping off a building, drowning herself and many other ways of achieving the same results many times. She never did it though. The only thing holding her back now was that she knew that her friends and family wouldn't want her to join them so soon.

When she began middle school, she tried to remain quiet and as unfriendly as possible without being rude or unkind.  Unfortunately for her though, Maki, Toge and Yuta decided to recruit her to their band as the school didn't allow clubs with under four people and didn't allow people not to be in a club. They made a small band, recording all of their songs for them to listen to later. They figured that it was annoying when a good band made annoying or uninteresting songs, so they made their own. All of the songs they wrote were in english, and all of them were quite fluent in it and could fake very convincing accents when needed. They quickly found out that Miyo excelled at singing, ukulele, guitar and writing songs (which they all had trouble with), so she had found new friends and a goal in life. To become a hero with them and start an agency together.

They all had good quirks and fighting skills. Inumaki Toge had Cursed Speech, allowing the words he said to be more compelling. Using it too much damaged his throat, and he couldn't turn it off so he spoke in riceball ingredients to protect the others around him. It took a while, but she did learn how to translate what he was trying to say. Okkotsu Yuta had Mimicry and a shikigami that was actually his dead lover. If Rika tasted someone's blood, Yuta could use their quirk. She could also store weapons. It was an odd but strong quirk, and didn't seem to hurt anyone much, so Miyo never asked him about exactly what happened. At least she had someone she could talk to about losing friends. Zennin Maki was quirkless, but was very strong and had a vast knowledge of weaponry. She could use almost any weapon you could name, and her martial arts were no joke. Sometimes, Miyo would go over to her house and train with her. She was part a clan called the Zennin Clan, so they had a large property with training rooms and gardens they could use. Miyo's quirk was Ten Shadows, allowing her to summon and command up to ten different shikigami from her shadow after subjugating them. She could also store items and people, including herself, in her shadow. By her last year of middle school, she could summon both of the Gyokuken (Demon Dogs), Gamma (frogs), Nue ( a bird thing?), Orochi (Giant Snake), and Datto (Rabbit Escape).

Also in her last year of middle school, there was a school shooting by a villain with a gun quirk. Maki, Toge and Yuta all died in the accident, and again, she saw all of it. This once again spiralled her into depression and suicidal thoughts, which got better but never really went away this time. Her situation at home wasn't much better, as her 'mother' was starting to test the limits of Miyo's pain tolerance more often. It was very high, but Mrs. Itami always found creative ways to go past it.

Miyo never thought that there might be an escape, some way of getting out of the house and improving her mental and physical health until she saw the sign that the UA entrance exams were starting soon. She immediately begged her mother to let her attend the hero school, making this the first time in years that she's ever asked for anything in her adoptive home. Her mother decided to entertain this idea by letting her go, under a few conditions of course. Maybe life could get better. At least, for now it could.


Hello, welcome to the first chapter of my second book! Also, what is up with me and putting the main character's loved ones in car accidents? If you've read my first book, you know what I mean. By the way, I've never had suicidal thoughts nor do I know anyone who has, so please ignore it if some of what I write is incorrect. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed and see you next chapter!

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