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There are moments where you do everything so it doesn't ruin but it ruins making you helpless, feel helpless. You are desperate to change everything but you can't. Even though you want to change something, you can't because some things are meant to be. Some things are beyond our reach.

But the feeling of helplessness and the desperation sucks the soul out of you. You think of endless options where you could have changed it.

I wanted to save her not because I have a big heart. I hated her but the memories of us together wanted me to save her.

Her eyes on me while she was pulling the trigger makes me want to yell and scream. I figure this is her punishment for me. I don't think I will ever forget how her eyes were on me.

How her eyes lost life when she pulled that trigger!

Someone jerks me and I see Kai frowning. He is stroking my cheeks. He is trying to calm me down and I am nowhere near calm.

Blood!! I see blood everywhere. I am wrapped up in Kai's arms. He is blocking me from staring at me.

"Shh!! Babe!! Green!! Look away, Nora. Please look away."

My eyes don't leave her.

"She is dead. No!! No!! Kai, she killed herself."

The medical team comes and takes the officers dead body and then her body.

He cups my face and tears fill my eyes. I wrap my arms around him. He gently pats my back.

I am covered in Hailey's blood. Her eyes open. I can still feel her eyes on me.

What if I was a bit earlier? What if I had reached her before she could have pulled the trigger? She might have been saved.

"Nora!! Can you hear me? Nora, breathe through your nose."

My breathing gets heavier. My eyes don't leave her. Everything The team comes and takes both Kai and me.



I am facing the screen of my laptop typing words I don't understand. My fingers keep going at their own pace.

The only thing that is keeping my sanity is the endless words I type.

The clanking of the keyboard keys is keeping my life together.

This past one week has been nothing short of a torture. The investigation, the interrogation everything was a torture. Everytime I tried to forget it, the interrogation brought it back.

Her eyes haunt me enough. I can't sleep, the nightmares keep dragging me back.

The door knocks and I flinch.

"It's me." Kai. I am just dragging him down with me in the abyss. I am dragging everyone down with my grief.

He walks in the room and spots me on the chair. He strolls towards me and crouches down so he can look me in the eyes.

His eyes soften. He strokes my cheeks.

"Hey, Green. How are you feeling?"

SHOOTING YOUR SHOT (#1 in Soccer Club Series)Where stories live. Discover now