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I am awake.

Wide awake since 2.

Can't sleep a wink. I mean it's obvious how much my head is fucked up because of the news right now. My heart too.

Some people say you need to forgive. I can't. I am a human not a God. I can't forgive nor forget. I can't when I get those nightmares every night. I can't when I see myself naked in the mirror, those scars on my legs haunting me.

I can't when I lost my career, my papa, my whole life. My dreams tarnished because of a person. My whole life's hardwork gone because someone was too drunk to drive.

I can't forgive and will never able to forgive nor forget.

Kai has wrapped his hand around my waist too firm for my liking. Like he is afraid that I will let him go.

Little does he know that I am far into him to let him go.

My mind wanders to the wretched news.

They released him. How can they? He should be rotting in the prison. But he is out. He destroyed two lives and a lot of relationships that day. That unfaithful night.

The night which still haunts me and my dreams. And they let him go for good behaviour. That's bullshit.

He saw us injured, in need of help. He saw me screaming for help. He saw me getting unconscious so I can go get help for my dad. But he chose to ignore and he ran. He ran leaving us both to die.

I hate him. I hate that night. I hate that it changed everything for our family.

I slowly and carefully unwrap his hand around my waist.

Carefully I cautiously tip toe to my room. I take my clothes and stroll towards the bathroom to take a long shower.

I sigh when I see the time when I leave the bathroom.

It's 4 in the morning. How long was I in there?

I take the car keys from my side table.

I walk out of my bedroom to see Eli sprawled out in the living room sofa.

This guy will sleep anywhere except in a bed.

I sigh. What is he thinking? It's so cold in the living room. I turn the heat on.

And I rush towards bedroom to find a spare blanket.

I cover him with blanket. After I make sure he is fine, I walk out of the door to see Mr. Barnes standing next to the door.

He follows me to the car. I know it's his duty but I really need space right now.

"Mr. Barnes, I get that you need to do your work but right now I just don't..."

I choke on my words.

Shit, this can't be happening. I take a deep breath to get myself together.

"I am just going to gym right now. It's just half an hour away. I will be right back before anyone in there notices I am gone."

SHOOTING YOUR SHOT (#1 in Soccer Club Series)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن