Chapter 16 , DaxFrans POV: Venus...

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A week later after Desire got stabbed, she didn't talk to me when I picked her up from the hospital...but today she did.

"You were right.." She said to me.

"About what?" I look at her.

"About the curfew, I'm sorry I didn't listen or know—"

"Desire..." I get up and lifted up her head. "Don't be sorry, no one should apologize." I kissed her lips and laid her down. "Rest, because that stitch is not gonna close up that stab." Desire chuckled and fell asleep.

"Is she okay?" My dad came in.

"Yeah, she's gonna be okay." I said looking at him.

"Your mother went through the same thing? Stabbed, kidnapped, and shot. You were in the womb when she was shot." My dad laughed "She didn't care about the bullet, she cared about you. And when the water broke, you were born."  My dad pats my shoulder.

I look at Desire, I didn't want her to get hurt like my mom...she's too precious and young. Too innocent to die...she's my everything.

"You can't always be Superman, D.F." He said to me. "It's either her or the agency..."

"W-what? I'm not letting her go! She can get hurt or even—" I got cut off when my dad said...

"Your grandfather, he couldn't protect grandma until I was 7. It's better off if you be with her than us." He said.

"What about you and mom? What about the agency?" I asked.

"Don't worry about it. Just go to Florida, bring her with you and live happily, make me a grandfather at least." My dad chuckled and left the room. He was right, I should go back to Florida and be happy. I'm only 19 years old. Graduation is in 1 is college. And—

Desire made a groan and the stitch was opening.

"God damn woman, stay still." I said getting a needle and up and washed my hands and then I began sewing her wound.

The evening...

"Is it true I'm actually your wife?" Desire asked me.

"Not yet, I need your signature. Your parents already signed it—" I said.

"My parents?!" She said crossing her arms.

"Mhm..." I nod.

Desire rolled her eyes and went to the bedroom.

"It's not a bad—" I got cut off when she slammed the door...she slammed the door?! Who told her ass to slam my damn door?!

"What's up with you two?" Eli asked.

"She's mad because her parents signed the marriage contract." I answered Eli.

"DaxFran, how old are you again?" Eli asked grabbing a two pieces of bread.

"Nineteen." I answered and then got confused. "What the fuck are you doing with the bread?"

Eli puts my head between the pieces of bread. "If I was Desire I'd say; 'YOU STUPID ASS RETARD!!' But I'm not Desire." Eli handed me the bread. "Just think of the bread as her or talk to her. I use my food to talk about my problems."

"Yeah and then you eat it." I chuckle.

"Like you didn't eat Desire out." I heard Eli mumble.

"What?!" I looked at him.

"Nothing." Eli said and went to the backyard.
The moment I turn around I saw a knife in my face.

"Hello, DaxFran." I see Venus standing on the counter.

"What?" I look at her in annoyance.

"It's been a while since we got to see each-other. I heard you were...married?" Venus asked me.

"Not yet." I looked away.

"Don't worry cousin...because when my dad beats Uncle you're gonna be so miserable. I'll let one of my friends handle Desire while you're...I don't know." Venus said to me getting off the counter. "How's Desire? Is she—"

"She's sleeping" I said to her. "Why did you—"

"Because I can." Venus laughed. "She should've never trusted me."

"You son of a—"

"Don't worry! It's not like I killed her." Venus crossed her arms.

"The doctors said she was bleeding a cup of blood! You think she—" I got cut off.

"Cousin, don't worry about it. She's gonna be fine...or not." Venus said.

"Venus, don't hurt her...She's precious to me." I said. " And don't you ever—"

"I don't care." Venus walked to the door. "Tell Desire I said hi or—"

"Leave, Venus." I said to her.

"Just wait until my father kills you." She said. "Our grandfather would be so proud of him instead of Uncle Daxan..let's make a bet and-" She opens the door.

"Leave...Now." I said.

"Fine..." Venus left the house and then I sat down on the couch.

I think it's time to go to Florida

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