[ 19 ] Desire

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Alastor and rolled over to see y/n gone. "y/n?" he said into his dimly lit room, getting up and walking to the door. As the door shut behind him, he tied a robe around his middle. He had a deep feeling of dread whenever he didn't know where y/n was. Like his mind was tricking him into thinking she got kidnapped again.

He paced down the hall to her room, his heart pounding so fast and hard his chest heated slightly. He felt relief wash over his mind as he felt that warmth in his chest that gave him the comfort in knowing she was nearby. When he got to be a few paces from the door, his ears perked forward, picking up the sound of Charlie and Vaggie's voices on the other side of the door. 'Why are they in there?' he thought to himself as he rapped his knuckles on the red wood of her door.

He heard a squeal and something thud onto the carpet. His ears shot back in suspicion as he grabbed the door knob, turning it slightly before it spun in his hand and the door opened a crack, revealing charlies head poking through. "Hi Alastor!" she chirped, a slight nervous tremor in her voice. "Hi Charlotte. Wheres Y/n?" he asked, trying to peek around her, but to no avail as Vaggie's head popped up just above hers, making it so that he couldn't see into the room.

"Oh no you dont mister creepy, shes getting ready for the ball." Vaggie said teasingly over Charlie's head. "And you dont get to see her until tonight. She told us all about how you two are twin flames! First of all, so excited for the both of you! And second of all, she needs to look perfect for tonight! She said that she told you she loved you last night and since you two are in love, you wont be able to stay off of each other after tonight. I assume youll be able to control yourselves for the ball, but after that. . ." she rattled on, making Alastor's ears flare back and his eyes brows knit together in annoyance. "Charlie, can you please just explain to me why i cant see her until tonight?" he sighed out, already exhausted just talking to the pair. "Becuase she needs to look perfect for you two's bond acceptance. She said that its really important to her that it goes perfectly."Vaggie said matter-of-factly.

"Dont tell him i said that! Now hes gonna be nervous!" y/n whined form the other side of the room, making Charlie and Vaggie cringe. He shook his head at them, wondering why his flame was having such silly girls help her. "Alright then. I suppose i'll be around untill i have to get ready." he said as he started walking off to the stairs, needing a drink already.

"Their already getting ready for the ball? It's noon!?" Husk exclaimed as he poured Alastor a glass of wine. "Mhm'' Alastor hummed as he sipped the bitter juice. "They said she wanted to get herself ready for the bonding acceptance tonight." he said nonchalantly, putting his glass down on the counter. ""So you two did not accept the bond the night she almost died from being in heat? " Husk said in disbelief and disappointment, obviously thinking Alastor was smarter than this. "Well she isn't dead is she? We also wanted to wait a little bit before we. . . had sex. She wants it to be perfect, or as perfect as it can be. She was just very worried that it wouldn't go well so I told her that we can wait and stave off her heat as needed.that is until she told me she loved me last night." Alastor said the last words with a bit of embarrassment. When they agreed that they wouldn't accept the bond for a while, he had in mind months, weeks even, but ust a few days. . .

"You just couldn't handle yourself, could ya?" Husk said with a condescending tone, wiping out a glass. "What do you mean?! You even told us that we would be animalistic once we fell in love!" Alastor replied with a tinge of anger lining his voice. "Oh im teasin' relax. Im glad i can finally stop smelling the constant arousal on both of you when your close." he hissed out the last few words with a scowl. Alastor rolled his eyes and set down his empty wine glass. "Well, since conversation with you isnt as riveting as i thought it would be, im going to return to my room and read a book until i need to get ready" he said as he strode to the stairs and began to ascend them. "Well fuck you too!" Husk called after him with a smile.

Radio Angel (An Alastor X Fem! Reader Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora