[ 12 ] protect

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He climbed up the side of the tower, entering Vox's floor by breaking one of the windows and entering the teched out shit-hole at random, wanting to revel in the hunt for that TV headed freak. He searched the floor slowly, room by room, feeling the slight heat in his chest grow more and more with every step. Every imp he ran into quickly became a splatter on the wall, but he hardly noticed any of it. The unfiltered rage occupying his mind was deafening. He couldn't hear any of their screams, only the thoughts he had was about smashing that asshole's screen and taking y/n back home.

He made his way down corridor after corridor, killing anyone in sight until he got to Vox's office. He broke down the door with his raven black tentacles, seeing something that made his mind spin with rage.

Vox was sitting at his desk with y/n dressed up as his assistant sitting on his lap with a very strong look of distaste. y/n and Vox's eyes shot up to see Alastor standing in the doorway, his antlers large with razor sharp tips, his smile sewn together at the corners of his mouth, resembling a voodoo doll. His tentacles writhed behind his abnormally large body, his limbs hanging longer than normal and his neck long and skinny. His eyes were radio dials and his voice could barely be understood if he spoke too fast.

He reached a long, onyx appendage across the room to y/n, wrapping around her waist and setting her gently outside the room. He stepped behind the threshold.. "So you came to get your little damsel! I gotta say, I really thought you were smarter than that! You left her here for what? Five days while you went and searched for her aimlessly? That's pathetic!" Vox said as he walked out from behind his desk, but before he could get another word in, Alastor was on him.

He wanted to kill Vox with his bare hands for what he'd done. And that's just what was going to happen. He held Vox down and dug his knee into his chest, hearing a few satisfying cracks. "AH!" vox cried as he pushed Alastor off of him with a sonic boom of sound, sending Alastor through the wall behind him and into the hall where y/n was. He collided with the wall with a loud thud and the air was knocked out of his lungs. "Alastor!" y/n cried from the other side of the hall. Alastor shot to his feet to see y/n being held by her throat by Vox. "she must think she's so special, getting saved by you" Vox hissed as he grabbed y/n's hands with his free hand and grabbed her chin with the other, turning her face towards him. "I bet he hasn't told you the most important thing about his infatuation with you, has he?" he said to her as he turned her head back towards Alastor. "NO! DON'T YOU DARE!" he roared, but was ultimately helpless as long as Vox had her that close. "Have you told your little pet here that you two are flames?" Vox said, staring Alastor dead in the eyes. "W-what?" she asked helplessly.

"Well, y/n twin flames are the equivalent to soul mates, more even. And he's kept this from you. How heartless." Vox said with an evil smile as he saw tears roll down y/n's cheeks. And Alastor just stood there, completely speechless, but still angry and still in the moment. As Vox's ego inflated by the second as he explained what a flame was, Alastor snuck his tentacles around the room and when Vox was done yapping, wrapped one around y/n and another around Vox, tearing them from each other and setting y/n down behind him.

He launched Vox across the hall, slamming him into the wall so hard the air got knocked from his lungs and a snap could be heard, a sign that a few more of his ribs snapped. As Vox clutched his chest on the floor, Alastor walked up to him without a word, the smile on his face growing uncannily as he stomped the heel of his shoe into Vox's screen, making him scream out in glitched TV static as his screen cracked beneath his foot. He kept his shoe on the demon's face as he leaned down and said with murderous calm. "If you even breathe in her direction ever again, will tear the glass out of your screen over the span of weeks and broadcast it." Alastor lifted his foot off of his face and strode to y/n, scooping her up in his arms and fogging them back to the hotel and into her room.

She was shaking too violently to stand, so he kept a hold of her as he strode to the bathroom. "Are you hurt?" Alastor asked with care, setting her on the side of the tub and kneeling down in front of her to take off her shoes. "I-im ok. I'm just shaken." she said, barely more than a whisper. When he gently slipped the small black pumps off of her feet, he summoned a small ball of green fire, burning the heels to ash that he blew off his hand.

He continued gently helping her undress. By the time she was in her undergarments she was still shaking wildly. "Would you like a bath my dear?" Alastor asked softly, his smile softening further. She nodded her head slightly, but as she did, more tears slipped from her cheeks. "What's the matter sweetheart?" he asked with worry. She wrapped her arms around herself and said quietly. "This isn't my lingerie." Alastor looked down at the bright red and electric blue bra and panties she was adorned in. He felt like an idiot for not noticing before, those are the pricks signature colors.

"Please, get it off. Burn it like the rest." she whimpered, beginning to shiver more, if that was even possible. "You're sure you want me to help you? I can go and get Charlie if you'd rather another female help you?" he questioned, not sure if she would want him to see her undressed completely. "No, please, I don't want to listen to Charlie apologize for this, I just want your help right now." she said a little louder than she had been talking, but the tremor was still in her voice. Alastor nodded his head, standing to hug her to his chest.

She wept into his dress coat quietly, seeming like the fight had been taken out of her. After a few minutes, her tears stopped and she pulled away. Gently, Alastor sat her back down and unclasped the piece of blue lace around her chest. He gently lifted her arms for her and slid the fabric off. Her arms covered her chest as he lifted her bottom off the tub and lightly tugged the panties down her legs. "Ow!" she cried, recoiling at his touch and, his eyes shot up to her red face, flushed from embarrassment, her ears flattened to her head. She nodded down slightly to the light cut on her thigh stemming from his claws that were still out. Instantly, he retracted them back to their normal length. "Oh, I'm so sorry! I didn't notice." he said as he grabbed a bandage from the cabinet next to the tub.

After the bandage was on the cut, he continued taking off her panties, burning them the moment they were off her. He picked her up gently and set her in the tub full of warm water and bubbles. "Thank you." she said shyly, still shaking slightly and covering her chest. "Of course my dear. I'll leave you be now." he said as he strode to the door. "Wait! Please, don't leave. I really don't want to be alone right now." she said urgently, the water in the tub splashing slightly from her sudden movement. Alastor turned around to see her grabbing the edge of the tub, her breasts slightly exposed. Alastor felt his face heat slightly as he went to the toilet, flipping the lid down and sitting on it without a word.

He would stay. He would be her body guard for as long as she needed him. He would protect her.


Thank you for reading!!!

And remember

🎙️Stay Tuned🎙️




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