[ 14 ] bound

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y/n woke up and saw Alastor slumped over his desk sleeping. She roused him so that he could walk her to her room to get ready for the day. She put on her pants and corset and her bandolier. And then she went down to the bar, Alastor staying back to clean and fortify her room for her. She thanked him and headed down the stairs to the bar.

"Hi Husk." she said nonchalantly as she plopped down on one of the red stools. Husk's ears shot up at her voice, his eyes widening when he saw her. "Where the hell have you been? Alastor tore apart most of the pentagram looking for you!" he said with a tinge of anger. "I know, Vox made me watch." she said blankly, explaining all Husk needed to know in a few words. "I'm sorry if I upset ya." he said as he handed her a glass of wine. "Its alright. I actually wanted to talk to you about something." she said, taking a sip off her glass. "And what's that?" he asked, seeming slightly annoyed. But y/n went on anyway. "Well, I guess me and Alastor are twin flames? I don't know, I mean, what even is that? Is it like a soulmate? Or something different?" she asked hopelessly, leaning on the counter and resting her head on a fist.

"Did he not talk to you about it when he told you?" he asked in disbelief. "Well, vox actually told me when he and Alastor fought. And when we got home, i didn't really want to talk about anything that complicated." she said as she took another sip of her wine. Husk seemed to take in her words for a moment, choosing what to say carefully. "Well, a twin flame is like a soulmate, but it's stronger, more deep. When you meet your soulmate, you dont know right away, or you at least don't have a connection right away. But with a twin flame, the moment you see each other there's something that draws you together." Husk said, picking up another glass and wiping out the inside with a rag. "And if you fall in love, the connection is almost suffocating. Granted, the experience of falling in love with your flame is different for everyone, but usually, the two of you would spend a few days alone together." he said, emphasizing the last two words.

y/n tried to ignore his implications, even though there were relentless pictures popping up in her mind, making her face flush slightly. "So shouldn't I have known that me and Alastor were twin flames then?" she asked, leaning forward on the bar, interested in the conversation they were having. "Well no, usually you get told by someone what finding your flame feels like, but since you met yours so fast, it never came up in conversation soon enough for you to get the feeling described to you." he said as he set the glass back on the shelf an sat down on a stool behind the bar that isn't visible to the other side.

They talked for a little longer until Charlie came into the foyer with Vaggie following close behind. Charlie looked happy and excited as she skipped up to the bar. "Guys! I'm planning a ball in the name of the hotel! You're all invited and my dad is gonna be there! Isn't that exciting?" she said, practically bouncing off the walls from excitement. It did sound nice though. A little get together with the other hotel patrons, since y/n knew that no one else would probably go. "Yeah that does sound nice actually" y/n said, already daydreaming about what she would wear. Charlie kept talking to the others as y/n did a mental inventory of her closet, remembering all of the beautiful dresses Alastor gave her that her and vox burned. She now regretted her decision but there was nothing to be done about it now.

She sat and kept thinking, chiming in periodically to Charlie's conversation with Husk and Vaggie that went on for a few hours until y/n got tired of her mental wardrobe and went upstairs to try on some outfits to see what went together.

When she got to her door she instantly got a chill down her spine. The feeling of being forcefully taken out of her room and drugged to sleep flashed across her senses, making her stumble backwards, running into a tall, warm body. y/n spun around, a knife already in her hand and poised to stab until she saw that it was just Alastor. "I'm sorry if I startled you my dear! I saw you standing out here and thought I might come tell you that your room is clean with a newly cast shield around it, preventing anyone from coming in without your permission!" he said cheerfully, resting his hands on his microphone cane and giving her a sweet smile.

y/n gave him a smirk in return, making his smile shrink slightly with worry. "Is something the matter dearest?" he asked gently, his ears slightly perking forward. "I'm just still nervous to go in my room alone. Even with the shield, I just can't get the feeling of being taken and drugged out of my head." she said meekly, wrapping her arms around herself and letting her ears point slightly backwards. "I wanted to find an outfit for the ball that Charlie has planned in a few days." she added, her face getting slightly red out of embarrassment. She felt like a child that didn't want to go into a dark room. "Oh, can I help you if you'd like? Then you'll have someone in there to help you with the outfits and so that you feel more safe, unless you'd like Charlie or Vaggie to help you?" he suggested with a light tone. "I'd rather you help me, i don't want charlie to know that I'm scared to be in my own room, she would feel too bad about it." she said as she turned the door knob and strode into her room to see a rack of dresses.

y/n turned around to see Alastor smiling wide and genuine. She giggled lightly in return, striding farther into the room and going up to the rack of dresses. All different colors and fabrics and styles. "How did you afford this?" she asked in disbelief, touching the fabrics of the array of dresses. "well , i am one of the most powerful over lords in hell, so if i want something all i really have to do is just go and take it." he said with a wicked grin. y/n giggled and turned to the dresses, beaming with excitement.

Thank you for reading!

And remember . . .

🎙️Stay Tuned🎙️




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