[ 11 ] taken

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Alastor was snapped awake at about one in the morning when he heard a window shatter and a scream that was cut off half way through. 'Y/N' he leapt out of bed, his heart racing as he fogged himself to her room. "Y/N?!" he yelled into the blinding darkness of her room, scenting the tang of blood. His flames blood. He summoned the lights on and saw her bed in a complete mess and the window strewn across the floor with her blood on some of the shards, almost like she was fighting back and got her feet cut on the glass. "No. nonono." he said to himself as he looked out the window to try and see any trace of her or whomever took her, but he came up blank.

He fogged himself outside to get a closer look, but there was nothing, it was almost as if they had transported her away. Vox. Alastor transported to Vox's office, to see him at his desk doing paperwork, he had a feeling he would still be here late into the night. "WHERE IS SHE!" he roared as he slammed his fist down onto Vox's desk, snapping it in half sending his documents all over the room. "What the fuck asshole?! Who are you talking about?" he yelled, still seated in his chair with that male arrogance he always had.

"Y/N!!!" Alastor seethed, picking up Vox by his throat. "I-don't know." he choked out as Alastors grip tightened. "Then who took her?" he said with murderous calm as he threw Vox back down, a grunt falling from his lips as he hit the floor. "I dont fucking know, maybe one of the many people who want you dead? They probably took her to be sure there wasn't another one of you." Vox hissed as he got up and started collecting his papers. 'Pathetic' Alastor thought to himself as he tried to come up with a reason that anyone but Vox would take her. "Why should I believe that you didn't take her? You hate me more than anyone else I can think of." Alastor asked him, stepping closer to the screen faced prick. "because, I'm her friend. I'm actually quite fond of her and I'd also like to find out where she's gone. So please, leave my office so I can get it cleaned up and go look for her." he said with an exasperated sigh as he bent down to pick up another document.

Alastor left him without a word, going to his radio station. To strode to his desk and get ready for a broadcast, grabbing his microphone lips. "Greetings all! I hope you're doing well! but i have an urgent matter to address. Someone very dear to me has been kidnapped right out of her room. I will need to be finding her soon, or else there will be many more broadcasts to come until I find her, and when I do, the person who took her from me will be one of my longest broadcasts yet." he said with calm rage before he shut off his broadcast. 'I'm going to tear open whoever took her' he thought to himself as he left his tower to go and find his flame and whoever took her.
He went out onto the streets of hell, questioning and killing anyone who looked guilty. Eating demons whole, reveling in their screams.

He went on a rampage for days, killing and eating and asking. He was lost in his own need to find her, not knowing where was at was absolute torture for him. He was in a state of pure agony constantly over the past three days, only getting worse as the days went on. The only respite he got was the screams of those he ate and tore apart. As he killed and killed, his options of who took her getting low, he kept getting more convinced that Vox had her. The only comfort Alastor had in that was knowing that if he found out that Vox did have her this whole time, he would break his screen and rip out the shards of glass one by one over many days. He would make that thing suffer for taking his flame.

Alastors thoughts were abruptly stopped by a loud, slightly annoying voice calling out his name and then a bomb going off next to him. His head whipped around to see who dared provoke him and to his displeasure, he saw Sir Pentious. A wanna-be overlord who was about as intimidating as a small child with firecrackers and no lighter. He had powerful weapons that he didn't know how to use. And worse, he didn't even have a colorful vocabulary at his arsenal, he quite literally had nothing to work with. He couldn't even make someone feel bad about themselves, the most he could do is name them physically recoil from how sad he was. But, fun was fun right now.

Alastor shot his tentacles at Sir Pentious' warship, piercing through the windshield and wrapping around Sir Pentious, taking him out of the monstrosity of a vehicle. "Why are you provoking me you worm? Do you have her?" Alastor seethed, bringing the helpless man in front of him. "I wanted to fight you again. But who are you talking about?" Pentious said, confusion dripping off his words. Alastor sighed and threw him to the side like a piece of trash. And Alastor went on, still trying to find anyone else who would have taken her. But his mind kept coming up blank.




Alastor felt incredibly stupid as he made his way back to V headquarters.

Thank you for reading!!!

And remember . . .

Stay Tuned




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