[ 1 ] The Man in Red

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Y/n was being held at gunpoint by a stranger after she shot his hunting partner for food. The man yelled in sorrow and agony, "bill?! BILL!" was all she allowed herself to hear before she took off into the woods she came to know so well, but she wasn't dressed for running. Being in a black slip dress and heels. She came home from a tea party with friends and wanted to get her hunting for the day over with, not bothering to change, she went out into the woods.

As she ran on unsteady feet, tripping over the uneven ground, he gained on her quite easily. As y/n looked over her shoulder to see how close he was, she tripped over a rock tumbling down a hill, only stopping when she slammed into a tree, nearly knocking her out. "Why? Whats wrong with you?!" he said, pointing his gun at her chest, but apparently, the silence wasn't enough of an answer for him, and she heard an ear piercing bang, and then there was nothing but black.
It was black, then it was hot, then y/n felt her cheek pressed against rough concrete. she let her eyes flutter open, taking in her surroundings. Y/n was in a dead end alleyway next to a dumpster making it so that she couldn't see out into the street. Confusion hit her like a brick wall until she took in the slightly red hue of the light and looked up to see a dark red sky. 'Im in hell? Huh, no surprise there i guess.' she thought to herself as she stood up on unsteady legs, being taller than she once was. y/n was 5'2 in her life, and now, she had to be at least 6'0.

Y/n looked down at herself to see the same outfit she died in, just a bit tattered. And, between her cleavage, a small red x was marked in the middle of her chest, more than likely where she was shot. Y/n walked out into the street, her shoes clicking on the rough cement. She saw what looked like a lawless town. She let out a sigh of relief as she realized that she wouldn't be burning in the eternal fire that hell was depicted as in the living world.

She walked down the street, passing little red skinned, horned men doing drugs or killing each other, but there were also quaint little restaurants and cafes scattered around which she noted, thinking they might be nice to visit once she got settled. She was taking in her surroundings, seeing fires and death everywhere but also hearing some of those little people whisper the words " another Radio Demon. . ." She didn't know what that meant, but she didn't care. Eager to see if her face had changed, she began looking for something reflective.

Coming up on the first unbroken window she'd seen since arriving, y/n glanced into it, seeing someone completely different. She still had the same round face, but her irises were now red with no pupils. Her hair length was the same, but now a jet black with small ear looking tufts sticking out of the top of her head. Y/n's hands flew to the sides of her head, moving the hair to see smooth skin. She then reached up to the ears atop her head, feeling out the soft fur. Those were her ears now. Y/n was more aware of them now than she once was with her human ears, being able to move them from side to side and flattening them against her head and perking them up. They resembled a deer with how they were shaped, round and full at the bottoms and coming to a soft point.

As y/n turned around to see her full body, she saw a little tail sticking out of her dress just above her ass. 'oh great, I am a deer, how exciting.' she thought to herself sarcastically as she continued down the street, occasionally stepping over a body or a dirty needle. For the most part everyone seemed to be keeping away from her, like they were intimidated by her somehow. She didn't think she was very intimidating or scary, she was probably one of the shorter demons in hell, and more than likely one of the less attractive, but whatever it was about her that kept others away, she didn't really mind.

She kept walking down street after street, trying to find somewhere to stay or a cafe she could visit. As she came up on a cute looking cafe she got a strong burning sensation in her chest. "Ow!" She said quietly as she leaned against the wall outside the cafe, clutching her chest and trying to control her breathing, but it only got worse. 'what the fuck? ' she thought as it got almost unbearable. She looked around and saw people running away from someone coming down the street. From what she could see through her blurred vision, it was a man clad in red with red and black hair and a smile. It looked vaguely like he had ears like hers, but she couldn't tell through her blurred eyes and before she could even try to focus, she passed out.




She woke up in the same place but it was dark and there was some shaking her awake. It was a girl with a white face and red cheeks. She had blonde hair bound in three black bands and was wearing a red suite with black and white accents. "Who are you?" Y/n asked, looking up at the stranger. "Im Charlie, I saw some demons poking at you and I didn't want you getting hurt, so I'm taking you back to my hotel." She said as she helped y/n to her feet. "Wait, but I don't know you. How do I know your not gonna eat me or something?" Y/n said, ironic coming from her, but she was unsure of this woman helping her. "Well, if I wanted to hurt you, I probably wouldn't have helped you, I'm also not a cannibal." She said matter of factly as she linked her arm into y/n's and started leading her down the street.

After a few blocks of walking, Charlie started some small talk. "You look kinda like someone I know. How long have you been down here?" She asked sweetly, looking down at y/n with a questioning smile. "I just got down here today. A hunter shot me because I shot his hunting partner for food." Y/n said, slightly shying away from Charlie's gentle grasp on her arm. "Oh! I'm sorry if I offended you! I understand that human life can be hard, so I don't judge sinners for doing what they had to do to survive." Charlie said with an encouraging smile. Y/n felt a few of her worried melt away with that smile, like someone actually understood her and didn't think she was a freak. "Thank you."

After a few more blocks, y/n learned that Charlie was the princess of hell, that she was trying to rehabilitate sinners in her 'hazbin hotel' and that there was something called the extermination. After she explained what the extermination was, they arrived at the hotel. It looked kind of like a radio station and a hotel were mashed together, but y/n didn't mind, she was getting a free place to stay after all. Charlie led her through the double doors into a charming foyer with a parlor off to the side. There was a bar attached to the parlor with a cat looking man with wings behind it wiping out a whiskey glass. In the parlor there was a small girl with a red bob hair cut and one big eye in the middle of her face. She was wearing a red dress and a white apron with three red dots on it that looked vaguely like gun shots. Across from her draped over a couch was an enormous, skinny man with cream fur and four arms. He was wearing a pink and white suit with pink and white gloves and black boots. He leaned his head over the arm of the couch, glancing between the two women in the doorway.

"Who's Alastor's cute double?" He said with a sly smile, making y/n shrink slightly. "This is y/n! Our newest patron here!" Charlie said with delight as she lead y/n to the parlor to sit in an arm chair next to the couch where the skinny male laid. He sat up and eyed her with a smile. "Your real pretty huh?" He said with a crooked grin. "I'm not interested." Y/n said meekly, turning away from him. "What? I can't compliment a pretty new commer?" He said, leaning back down onto his couch with a bottle of God knows what in hand. "Why does she look like al?" The little girl asked curiously. " Well, I'm not sure nifty, maybe they died the same way?" Charlie said, already knowing how y/n died, she assumed that Charlie didn't know how this mystery character died. "Who is this guy? I've heard so much of him, like how I look like him, but I still have yet to see him." Y/n asked Charlie, leaning forward in her seat.

"You'll meet him later! He's out doing. . .whatever he does when he goes out during the day! In the mean time this is angel dust, nifty, and husk! I hope they treat you well!" She said as enthusiastically as she could, gesturing to the others around her. "y'know, Charlie, you can't just be bringing strangers who look like that creep in off the street. Who knows, they might be worse than him." Husk said said as he set a glass on a shelf with the others. "You're all making me more nervous about meeting this guy. I'm not that bad! Is this guy satan or something?! " Y/n exclaimed, obviously frustrated about all of the talk going mostly over her head. " Well he's not awful, just intimidating. " Charlie said with concern. But before Charlie could continue trying to explain herself, the stained glass double doors started to jiggle.

Then, a man clad in full red with an unnervingly large smile walked in.


🎙️ Stay tuned folks 🎙️



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