9. Heer

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Memories from that night come flooding my vision as I see that bitch walking towards me and not just walking, strutting like she owns my dad's school .

"Oh my god" She claps her hands slowly with a wide grin on her plastic smug face .

"You must have too much confidence to show your face in public after king openly humiliated you , bitch queen"

And that's it , she has done enough .

"Did he fuck you after that ? Well, I don't think because I heard he left after the party . Were you crying like the wanna be you are ?"

"At least he didn't say that he didn't wanna touch me" she scoffs .

"Or he didn't even give that much thought to it ?"

Students begin gathering around, their phones come out of their pockets and whispers begin .

"And what was the bet about  , you shouldn't give that to him because breaking Heer's heart isn't that easy . Breaking me isn't that easy"

"Your teary eyes said otherwise" she laughs and I take out my water bottle from my bag to take a sip of water .
"Maybe I was dissapointed at how pathetic you both were ,  your whole life revolves around me . Anyways my dad will find me a MAN , not like the fuckboy who's interested in breaking a girl's heart more than anything else"

I contain my tears so hard and splash the bottle on her face " you need to wash that tons of shitty makeup off if you wanna talk to me next time"

Making my way through the crowd I head outside. Untill I reach the car, I can hardly see due to the water covering my pupils .
"Don't cry , don't cry"

Once I reach home, I find my aunt Zara in my room . She hugs me so tight , almost squeezing the life out of me while reyansh is lying on my bed like the ass he is .
"Get out of my bed"

"Get out of my dad's head"

That makes me laugh, he's just jealous .

"Shut up both of you " aunt Zara declares while my eyes zero at mumma's face . She seems apprehended and dissapointed at the same time .

"I got you a lifetime membership from your favorite nail salon" she brings me a card from her bag "I love you " kissing my forhead . I'm lucky to have people who love me but as I said happiness lasts till I stay inside my house .

"And rey adviced to get you a gym membership too so I said yes"

"Wait what" I turn shocked and he takes out another card from his jacket .

"This will distract you" he takes a pause "from creating problems in my life"

"Why does he have to be the center of all my troubles always ?"

He gets up and slaps my head before walking outside "moron" I scream brushing my hair with my fingers.

"Okay" mumma clears her throat "explain before I call him here"

"No Don't" my heart sinks "mumma you heard what it was . Let it be in the past"

"It's okay darling,  some guys are assholes" aunt Zara hugs me from the side .

"I will never ever forgive Arin for this" mumma's eyes fill with tears "had it been anyone else , I would go to kiwi right now and he'd literally --"

"Okay we all know what kiaan can do. I have been there" aunt Zara laughs .

"Mumma please forget this" I hug her and my aunt chirps "yes please,  breakups and betrayls happen honey , you're so young and life has just begin . Dress well , look pretty , go out and enjoy your life . Come on Abhi has become so lenient for you.  At my time he was Hitler 2.0"

"Lenient !!! "mumma and I speak in unison . Okay my dad can be cool sometime but he is unbending.  He really can be when he wants to sometimes .

Aunt Zara laughs and walks out with mumma . I fall on my bed and scroll through my feed . My eyes land at a photograph Cherry has posted and my chest begins aching as I see it . She stands near king's car with him . He has a hand on her waist balled into a fist as she smiles towards the camera.  His eyes are fixed at his phone.  The picture is captioned with "but bitch, this one's real"

"I don't care,  I don't care" I throw my phone away but tears make their way out of my eyes .

I remember aunt Zara's words so I get up and walk inside the shower . Slipping inside a silver coloured bodycone dress that stops at my thighs and is strapless, I put red lipstick on . Tying my hair in a ponytail, I pick a clutch and walk down the stairs. 

I want to be away , away from everything that brings negativity into my life .

On Reaching my favourite club,  my heart becomes a drum . The vibrations of music , the vibes of the party make me happy and relaxed but nothing takes away that picture from my memories . I want something or someone to bring me new memories .

To help me move on .

I down a full glass of  Vodka. I don't care what my age is , what dad would say and what the fuck will happen . It hurts,  it hurts bad and I want it to stop . I want to wipe him off. 
I hit the dance floor and the beats of music thump at the back of my head due to the Vodka running through my body . I take another shot and when it becomes difficult to stand , I take a seat near the bar.

"Hey" someone voices and I turn to my right. My eyes glassy and all I see is his face.

"I'm sorry but you're fucking sexy . You're too young but fuck , you're beautiful "

I smile throwing my heart back "I fucking know that"

He chuckles at that "anyone can fall for you"

I shake my head , my eyes brimming "don't say that , nobody falls for me . They fall for my dad's money, my body or my face . NOT for me"

"Are you upset" he grabs my hand and I nod " can you make it better"

"Yes come with me babygirl" he wraps a hand around my waist taking me inside an elevator . I can only see everything spinning around with a man touching me for the first time. I don't even know his name but I don't care tonight.

After being so pure , so reputed , a fucker told me I was characterless.

"Funny" I laugh as he takes me into a room . I know what's happening . I completely know that but for once , I wanna go with the flow . I don't think there's anyone who'll ever want me for myself so why don't I live my life how I want when I'm in a shitty situation already .

Right now I wish to be distracted and he is my distraction. He makes me sit on a bed but I get up " wait"

Tripping , I walk towards the bathroom "I'll be back don't go " even my voice echoes in my head as I speak.  Shutting the door I splash water on my face . Redo my ponytail and walk back to the room . I blink thrice to exactly understand what's the scene in front of me . At the floor lies my suppposed to be one night stand totally DEAD and on the bed sits KING wih a gun in his hand and rage in his eyes .

"What the fuck are you doing here "we both say together . Me terrified and he raving mad.


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