1. Heer

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Easy choices hard life , hard choices , easy life .

I've often heard of it and me as a person would always go for the first one because the people around me have never let my life be hard . No matter what choices I make. From being the daughter of Abhimanyu Mandhana , the billionaire in town to being blessed with the class of Zara Mandhana , my dad's trend setter sister. From being given the elegance of My mom Crystal Mandhana to being Kiaan uncle's favorite, life has always been easy for me indoors . Touchwood .

But once I step out of my dad's Luxury car or my uncle's lavish mansion , I become the prime target of those who live to compare themselves to me . All their mean glares and their jealousy filled stares are directed towards me but my mama didn't raise no weak ass bitch or to be precise my uncle didn't.

According to uncle kiaan , if a scoundrel tries to touch you it's my job to chop his hand off but if a girl is Insecure of you , it's your job to give her enough reasons to keep up with that.

Scary right? That's how we roll . He is my soul . Like literally my heart and my soul and I can never think of turning my face away from kiaan Raghuvanshi.


"Oh-oh where do you think this lizard is heading towards"

I hate his son .

"Get out of my room Rey !"

"Stop screaming ,you'll turn me deaf . See aunt Crysie , she's nothing but a headache"

It's obvious that he hates me too considering Reyansh's dad always sides with me . Told you, my uncle is a gem . I'd say I mentally thank my mother everyday for being his sister .

"Don't start a fight both of you" mumma places the card I asked for on my table.

"Won't you ask her where's she going? Maybe some idiot awaits her at a caffe or something" he spreads himself on my bed ruining my muave coloured sheets with his nasty ass body .

That's what I tell myself for self satisfaction but girls at my school can kill each other,  their families and me too to get him . He's literally treated as a God and that's what makes me the most irate towards him .

"Even if there is someone , rest assured he'll be better than you pathetic bullies"

Speaking of which his favorite pass time is to bully me at school in which his friends always eagery support him considering they are his lapdogs.

"Your classes are starting from tomorrow , I just came to inform uncle Abhi of that.  He said you shouldn't be going out so I'm sorry little lizard "he smirks , No !

Snatching the card from my table he gets up "pack your bags for school queen bee . Your group of minions won't be able to save you if in case you unnecessarily run your mouth in front of my dad"


"You're not the only one" he heads outside and mumma shrugs "you guys will never get along" and she walks away .

My mumma is the most elegant and cool mother on the entire planet. She is like my own best friend . Even though I have someone I call my best friend but she will forever be my first best friend while kiaan uncle is my first love . My Favorite.

My dad however is kinda strict . He has too much on his mind and literally anything can make him loose his cool . Temper is bad .

Uncle gets infuriated too but I usually get a free pass considering he adores me . That's what I'm most delighted about.

I remove my heels and untie my bun before falling in my bed . My phone rings with a call from my best friend and instantly a smile gets plastered on my face .

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