Chapter 36 - Being played badly

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In the first half of the race, Fourth was in the lead and quite far away from the rest. Even though my legs still hurt a bit, it still didn't matter to me. Fourth pressed hard on the gas pedal, wanting to end this race early, he wanted to go to the bar after completing the race. Fourth was still using his speed to get to the finish line, but Fourth's eyes suddenly stopped when he felt that his car had a problem. The brake pedal suddenly could no longer be used. No matter how many times Fourth tried, Fourth still couldn't use it. can reduce vehicle speed.


Fourth silently cursed. Before going racing, he let the inspector check his car. Furthermore, when he got in the car, Fourth checked the engine, but forgot to check the brake and accelerator, causing a mistake. so big. Everyone in the stands seemed to have noticed that Fourth's car was having problems on the track, including the five people sitting in the stands who also looked surprised and wondered what was going on with Fourth. In front of them was a The sharp turn was both narrow and difficult to navigate. If Fourth kept the same speed, he might fall into the abyss or crash into a large rock ahead. This is a long-distance racetrack, natural turns like this are the most dangerous turns. If you cannot control your speed, the possibility of death is very high.

Rin sitting in the stands received a call. Rin's eyes widened in shock when she heard some information from the other end of the line. After ending the call, Rin opened the chat box to watch a video, Rin's face became colorless, looking in panic at what was happening in the video, she immediately turned to Pifah and shouted loudly.

"Dude, someone was doing tricks on Fourth's car, it seems like they cut the brake cable."


Pifah screamed when she heard Rin speak, the three people standing next to her also turned around in surprise, because Rin's scream was so loud that if they sat in the regular seats and not the VIP seats, perhaps everyone would be there. The surroundings heard Fourth's condition. The stands became more and more noisy than ever, because Fourth's car kept rushing straight to the cliff.

Fourth sat in the car when he knew his condition, trying to be as calm as possible. There were only a few hundred meters left before the cliff, but Fourth's car speed was very high, even if he let go of the accelerator. inertia still drove Fourth's car forward. In a moment, Fourth unbuckled his seatbelt, focused intently, looking forward, holding the steering wheel tightly, preparing to risk an extremely dangerous decision. Fourth wants to handle this situation. If he doesn't handle it himself, the most dangerous person is me, so at times like this, Fourth himself does not allow himself to be afraid. Looking ahead with sharp eyes, Fourth wanted to solve this problem in three seconds before Fourth's car crashed into Cliff.

The car was still going fast, Fourth began to lean out of his seat position to avoid collision with the side of the car as much as possible. At the turn, Fourth quickly turned the steering wheel, causing his car to turn sideways. The car hit the cliff and stopped. Fourth in the car closed his eyes and held his breath, not daring to look at what had just happened. It was not until he heard the sound of racing cars behind him that Fourth Opening my eyes to look forward, my car hit the cliff on one side, but with Fourth's smart handling, the car's engine was not damaged.

Fourth's eyes suddenly stared, wanting me to lose, that was impossible, I would catch up with that guy Andrew, who was not bad at racing just now, following closely behind me, now he took the lead, seemingly arrogantly thinking he had gotten rid of me. Fourth restarted the car, people like me, on the track, don't accept defeat so easily. Pressing hard on the gas pedal again, Fourth knew that this last part of the road had no more dangerous parts, so he returned to the highest speed, not caring whether the car had brakes or not, he wanted to regain his position. top 1 of me.

Although Fourth's car was scratched and slightly distorted on one side, it did not reduce his driving skills. Fourth still easily passed a group of amateur cars, leaving only Andrew's car behind. some distance ahead of me. Fourth suddenly doubted whether Andrew had a hand in this, because the only person who would benefit from his loss was him. Fourth greet teeth, no matter what I do this time, I will not give him the satisfaction.

The last 500 meters, Fourth and Andrew

Yet they were walking side by side, two cars

No one gives in to anyone, competition is fierce. The stands seemed to be holding their breath looking at the dramatic scene below. Dunk, Phuwin, Rin and Pifah are the same, only Gemini has been missing ever since. Fourth, in the last five seconds of deciding whether to win or lose, pressed his foot on the accelerator and then turned the steering wheel, forcing Andrew's car to dodge to the side. Fourth successfully took the top 1 position just a small distance away from Andrew's car. Fourth's car lost its brakes, so Fourth sat still in the car, waiting until it stopped running and was already a long distance away. Opening the car door, Fourth proudly walked to the finish line, where Andrew's car was stopping.


Gemini from above saw Fourth crash his car into a cliff and continue running. Through Rin, he learned that the person driving the black car was the one who cut off her brake cable. He didn't say anything, just silently disappeared. disappeared from the stands.

Everyone who saw Fourth's car reach the finish line still leading after that incident, all cheered fiercely. Andrew stepped out of the car and saw a strange boy standing in front of him, it was Gemini. As soon as Gemini saw Andrew open the door, he grabbed his collar and gave him a punch. Gemini's expressionless face made those standing around scared to the point of not daring to do anything. Gemini knocked Andrew down on the track, didn't stop but grabbed Andrew's collar and pulled him up to give him a few more punches

"Do you know what you just did to him? You thought you'd be at peace after Lertratkosum found out you cut off the brakes on his car."

Gemini said as he hit, blood was soaked on his hands, but it was Andrew's blood. Those cold, expressionless eyes made the atmosphere even more tense. Everyone thought he was crazy, because he was frantically hitting people. Andrew struggled to resist, raised his hand to fight back, but was broken by Gemini's force

"This arm is doing dirty work, so it should be scrapped."

His high-pitched voice made Andrew suddenly cold, his face was full of blood from his nose and mouth, Gemini had no intention of forgiving. Dunk and Phuwin, after seeing Gemini so mad, quickly ran to stop him, but they couldn't. Once Gemini got mad, it was difficult for anyone to stop him. Fourth walked back, his eyes immediately fell on Gemini who was beating someone, he just calmly walked over, one hand grabbed his body, he didn't care about anyone, but just bent down and grabbed the collar of Andrew's shirt as he was lying down. sprawled on the ground. Looking at his watch, Fourth turned back to look at Andrew with angry eyes

"Now let's start timing"

Fourth just said that and immediately rushed to beat the person, I don't care who the other person is, if he is a child of a mafia organization, he is also one of the three heads of the largest mafia organization in Thailand, there is nothing to worry about. Be careful, and moreover, once you accept the bet, you don't have the right to complain. Fourth just like that gave Andrew a five-minute beating. Those five minutes may have sent him completely to death's door, placing half his foot across the boundary between life and death. By the end of the five minutes, Andrew was bleeding all over his body, his shape unrecognizable, only his barely breathing being brought back by his subordinates. Those who witnessed Fourth recently had a more fearful view of him, perhaps no one would dare to touch him like that again.



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