Chapter 29 - Explosives

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Phuwin raised his hand to open the lid of the wooden box, a smell of medicine rushed straight into his nose, he gently waved away a few dust particles flying into the air, Phuwin looked inside. The atmosphere suddenly became tense when what Phuwin saw was explosive powder, something Phuwin had suspected from the moment he entered here, because the smell of explosives was very characteristic. A few beeping sounds rang out, Phuwin's sensitive ears in this quiet space were enough to hear. Phuwin put on gloves, wiped away the powder on the surface and looked down at the bottom of the box

" Damned"

Letting out a curse, what he saw was a timer, and with only 15 minutes left, Phuwin suddenly jumped up and hurriedly ran to look for a few more boxes, but every box was there. Phuwin gritted his teeth, such a large number, what organization would dare to infiltrate and place it here? If it was a large organization, it could only be Assassins or Danes. If so, they would probably have captured it by now. start running away and leave.

Phuwin quickly ran to the hatch and turned on the device connecting to Dunk and Gemini

"Dunk, Gemini, the basement has explosives"

As soon as Phuwin spoke, someone appeared in front of him, the person who had been chatting with Kit earlier. Surely he could have quickly attacked him, standing in front of him and snatching the headset from Phuwin with one hand. He pulled the device's wire in half, and the signal was lost as a result. Phuwin silently cursed in his heart, raised his hand to hit the person in front of him, but was suddenly shocked again. A headache surrounded Phuwin, he tried to shake his head to wake himself up, but in the end he still couldn't, his eyes gradually closed, Phuwin fell to the floor and passed out, the medicine he had inhaled had taken effect. already used.

The boy in front of him still looked mysterious. He took out a gun and gently cocked it. His cold eyes pointed the gun's tip at him, who was lying motionless on the floor. His finger was gently squeezing the trigger when he suddenly stopped. He walked over and pulled him into the room, placing Phuwin between the boxes.

"Phuwin, I spare you a bullet, but you are willing to die by it"

He said confidently, then turned and left. Locking the basement door, he acted as if nothing had happened and disappeared. The ticking sound of the time clock was still ringing, the numbers displayed on the timer gradually became less, but Phuwin still did not wake up or move, he still lay still among the dusty


The person behind all these explosives is Assassin, this time Kit was invited here, his goal is only one, to eliminate all the notorious mafia organizations in one explosion, however this time it is possible. He has to bet a lot, because if there are any mistakes or traces, his organization will likely be in danger. However, Kit still chose to sink this ship. Now he has started to stand by his rescue ship. Just wait until the basement explodes, he can stand on the rooftop and act. a victim act, then a quick escape, that was his whole plan. Moreover, this time on the boat, Kit also knew that Lertratkosum had brought along Phuwin, killing two birds with one stone. He was foolish not to do it, both eliminating threats to the organization's growth and eliminating threats to the organization's growth. Eliminate Phuwin.

Kit is currently sitting in the room, holding The Cullinan and admiring it. Just now, when Phuwin ran away, he dropped this diamond. Kit smiled. He really liked this unexpected gift, because this diamond would bring great benefits to him in the future. When the mysterious boy returned, Kit and Kan started to stand up, leave the room and go to the rooftop of the yacht. Dunk and Gemini appeared on the path, they were in a hurry, perhaps they had discovered something. Kit secretly ordered his subordinates to secretly hold back Dunk and Gemini, preventing them from finding Phuwin as long as possible. He looked at the clock, these last three minutes, Mr.

I will pray for this entire cruise ship.


The organizations on the ship gradually became chaotic when they heard the news that Danes announced that everyone was leaving the ship urgently because there were explosives. In fact, with a big event like this, evacuation of people is very likely, because mafia organizations all have experience in escapes, and will also prepare emergency rescue waiting, so when there is notice from the authorities. Danes, everyone board the rescue ship and leave. Kit was also one of those people. There were already support ships, and Danes had also released a series of small boats.

The scene of everyone quickly leaving the train was exposed before them, only a few people wanted to rush to the basement to find someone. Fourth, right after hearing Dunk and Gemini say there was explosives, he quickly ran to report the situation to Joong and Pond. Dew was also present right there so he knew about the incident and made an emergency announcement.

"Where's Phuwin?"

Pond asked Fourth, his eyes began to turn cold, because from Fourth's own mouth he heard that Phuwin was the one who reported this news.

"Maybe he's in the basement"

Pond only heard this and quickly rushed away. He now only needs to know where you are, you must appear before him. After hearing the situation, Joong also started running down to look for Dunk, and Fourth of course also ran to find someone, but now two images appeared in his mind, he didn't know who he was running because he was worried about them.


Back to reality, everyone gradually left the yacht. After everything was settled, Dew quickly turned to find Joong and Pond. The other batch of materials needed to be evacuated immediately, but three minutes was not enough. However, when Dew stepped down into the raw material bunker, it was all gone. Dew silently cursed, that was a batch of ingredients specially made for Lertratkosum, yet someone was targeting it.

Joong ran away to find Dunk and found him and Gemini fighting with a group of people. He quickly pulled out the gun in his hand. The chaotic scene in front of him made him not dare to shoot. He was afraid of accidentally hitting someone. mine.

Joong held the gun in his hand, his eyes filled with anger and quickly approached Dunk. Dunk was having a hard time struggling with this group of people blocking his way. He was about to be hit in the back by a guy holding a stick. Joong promptly gave him a kick, followed by a bullet sent into the sky.

Dunk saw the person who had just appeared in front of him. For some reason, he felt more secure now, but the important thing now was to find Phuwin.

"Joong, where is Fourth?"

Gemini asked, originally thinking that Fourth would run after him, when he turned around, he saw that he was gone. Moreover, if Joong came here, Fourth would have run after him, because Fourth usually suits Joong better than Pond. , but now Fourth is not present

"Dynamite bunker, damn it"

Gemini silently cursed, one person said

dangerous, unknown whereabouts, still

one person wants to throw himself into danger,

At times like this, it seems like Joong and

Pond took Fourth back first, but two

They accidentally didn't pay attention to their younger brother

but both of them pampered each other so much, they were in the end

what are you thinking about? Gemini quickly ran

down to the basement, Joong and Dunk followed.


Sorry for late update 😅

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