"Ah, no. Cecil and Ren helped me out so they get most of the credit... All I did was make the French toast," I said as I smiled.

"No, Amaya also had a big part in this, she was the one who wanted to do this and Ren and I just happened to be here so we helped," Cecil said and Ren nodded. I was a bit shocked, but smiled a bit after.

"Thank you Amaya-san!" Nanami said. I nodded and I saw Kazuo was in the back and he looked a bit annoyed. I remembered the scarf and walked up to him.

"You know, you could have given me something more warm than a scarf... thanks anyways," I said while holding out the scarf to him.

He grabbed it and said, "Well, I didn't have anything else."

I pointed to his jacket and he just rolled his eyes. "Your surprising me to, your never a morning person. What made you wake up this early?"

"Well, someone didn't wake me up last night so I slept in the music room to wake up to a bright sun and an aching back... I wonder who's fault that is," I said while imitating thinking pose.

"I wonder who might have done that... Guess well never know huh," Kazuo said in a mocking tone. I hit him on the shoulder lightly and went to a seat beside Nanami.

I got a couple compliments on the food and after we were done eating, everyone went there separate ways.

I remembered I forgot something in the music room earlier so I made my way to the lonely music room.

Once I was there I checked the top of the piano for the photo. It wasn't there, but instead it was on the floor beside the piano. 'Did Kazuo look at it? He probably did, oh well. I hope he won't ask about it.'

I picked it up and put it in my jacket pocket. I was about to leave when I had a sudden urge to play an instrument. I looked at the piano inflicted with myself. 'Should I play? If I do I have a chance of someone hearing me, but... I really want to play.'

I stared at it for 5 minutes straight and finally I came to a conclusion of just playing one piece. I sat on the bench and my hands hovered above the keys. I already knew what I was about to play so after I reviewed the notes in my head I started to play the song. (Play video)

'I wonder why I feel nostalgic when I'm around Amaya. Something must be happening to my system,' I thought while walking down a random hall.

As I was walking, I heard the sound of a piano playing. I went towards the sound and found the abandoned music room that hardly anyone knows. I opened the door quietly and saw Amaya sitting at the piano.

When I saw her the light of the morning sun shined on her as a replacement of a spotlight. The composition continued and when I saw her face I could tell she was happy even though she wasn't smiling.

The song sounded passionate and filled with hope. The song was continuing when I noticed something wet go down my cheek. I felt it and noticed noticed I was... Crying?

The song was ending and as the last note came to an end, I slipped out of the room and went to my room. 'Why am I crying? Why does this girl make me feel warm inside?'.

Amaya POV
I finished the song and smiled as the last note rang through the room. 'This reminds me of the times when mother use to bring me to her recording studio. Found a piano, made a song, played it.'

I got up from the piano and made my way outside. 'I guess I could make my music outside for inspiration I guess...' I thought as I looked for a spot to sit.

I found a spot that was by a couple of trees and had a pond nearby. I sat down on the healthy green grass and put my stuff beside me.

I layed down and closed my eyes listening to the bird's melody and the wind whistling.


I shot up from my spot and looked over towards the sound.

"Hehe, sorry Aya-chan," he said while rubbing the back of his head.
Hi! So, this chapter took a lot longer than expected... So, who do you think the person is?

The next chapter is going to be a bit rushed probably because after that is Amaya and Kazuo's debute!!!

RUNAWAY(tell me if you know what that is)
IM(not) OKAY

bye!!! (≧∇≦)/

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