Kellin - 1

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"Fuck out my way" I said pushing some random kid away from me.

"Fucking bitch" I heard him murmur under his breath.

I probably should of left it as that but, everyone was watching me I didn't wanna seem a pussy to everyone around.

Everyone started slowly dispersing and making a ring around me and this guy I just pushed.

I threw my bag down on the hard floor and spoke.

"What? What was that say it loud for all of us."

"Leave me the fuck alone you bunch of phycos" He said loudly but, not screaming.

He ran threw the big crowd that was expecting to see a fight break out. I was expecting a fight too i'm so used to them at this point I don't even relise when i'm about to fight.

The bells rings so everyone has to dispurse from the area we were all standing at. I can hear everyone talking to eachother.

"Broo I wish they fought", "That was worthless"

I pick my bag up and try to walk out the side entrance with my friend Tony.

"Kell what are you doing? We gotta get to class"

"Fuck class i'm not going to that bull shit"

"Fuckin hell Kells, i'm going" He spoke in an angered manner.

I didn't really care Tony's my bestfriend and ditches class with me everyday I kinda understand why he didn't wanna ditch today, he has super strict parents. I still had to put on this 'bad kid' additude.

"Go study then pussy" I hissed.

"Whatever Kell" He says turning around and walking away from me.

I hate being alone but, I didn't wanna go to first period class. Everytime time i'm alone I get too deep in thought. A guy like me shouldn't think the things I think.

I walked down the street to 7/11 I needed me an energy drink, I've been so lethargic all day.

When i'm alone I try to focus on other things then my thoughts, like, the weather. Sounds stupid but it protects my weak mind from over thinking.

The weather was sad and gloomy, the dead trees swayed in the wind, hard looking as if they'd fall over.

The grass was covered in a gross sludge material because of the melting snow. Everything was muddy I was slowly ruining my converse everytime I stepped onto the wet grass.

I kinda wish I wore more then black skinny jeans that didn't even reach my ankles and a black t shirt with a black zip up.

I zipped up my hoodie and wrapped my arms around my myself because of the cold wind.

I made it to our 7/11 and bought myself two Monster Energy Drinks since, they were on sale and I know i'd want one later.

I wouldn't of paid if i was with my friends but, since I was alone I paid so I wouldn't feel so guilty.

I walked over to the alley that was right across the street from the 7/11 and lit up a cigarette before opening my can of Monster.

Because of the wind my lighter wouldn't light, I reached in my bag to grab a separate light but that didn't work either.

After what felt like and entirety of trying to get my cigarette to light up I gave up.

I met a boy at 17 Where stories live. Discover now