|sweetheart pt2| jack champion

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( as of request of trulya1exx )

  After your cute little phone call on Tuesday, autumn was still quite upset over the fact her dad wasn't home. So upset she would refuse to go to sleep if you didn't have her goodnight call with her dad.

You couldn't lie taking care of autumn all by your self was quite stressful. From her countless tantrums to her constantly wanting your attention. And you equally missed jack probably more then autumn if we're being honest here. Specially right now as your birthday was tomorrow.

Knowing jack wasn't going to be home for you birthday you didn't want a party or really any big thing for it since jack wasn't going to be able to come.

You went to bed the night before not in the perkest moods although autumn was beyond excited for you to be a year older, you tucked her in then made you way to your own bed.

The morning sun shined right in your eyes, but that's not what woke you up. The loud giggling and shushing woke you. Grogly you sat up rubbing your eyes. Then eventually made your way down stairs.

What you saw made you pause. Jack stood pinning balloons to the wall with autumn eating cheerios telling him all about her dream she had. " and you came home, which you did in are life too, so its so cool!". Presents filled the left side of the counter, a cake covered in sprinkles sat in the middle.

"Wow.." you spoke louder then you ment alerting the two of your present.   " good morning maMa" autumn shoved food in her mouth as she spoke. " morning babe." Jack came over to you kissing your head. " happy birthday." He told you pulling you into a hug.

It felt nice to be held again instead of you doing the holding.

" thank you jack." You whispered pulling away. Jack pulled away facing your daughter, " so who's ready for the bestest birthday for the bestest mom here??" He cheered " Me! Me!" Autumn hoped out of her chair and over to you were she jumped up and down with jack.


Wow, been a while..it's a little short but it's okay!

Thanks for reading <33

Jack champion/Ethan landry one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now