|baby fever pt2| jack champion

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Jack was still baby fevering it up. Constantly reminding you about how fun it would be to have kids. " jack your not the one who's gonna birth it." You'd tell him. " it's not an IT!".

But eventually you did have a kid. Was this on purpose? Absolutely not.


It had been a couple of weeks since you had jack had sex and your body felt like hell. Which was really weird. Your head hurt all the time, your boobs were sore as fuck, and every morning you had somthing you had to hurl up.

At first you thought it was the flu but you got tested. Negative. So what was it. Jack had also been worried. Thinking of every possible thing that could be wrong. Till one crossed his mind. You could be pregnant.

Immediately he rushed to the store. You watched him leave slightly confused as he said nothing. But when he arrived back home and waved the small box in your face you knew what was up.

" I'm not pregnant jack." You complained snatching the box. " come on babe we both know what's going on..inside of you." He slightly smiled. You shook your head. " just try the test." He tried to convince you. " please?"        " fine."

You stood and slowly made your way to the bath room your heart beating faster as you approach. Finally you made it to the door. And finally you peed on a stick. Something you never thought you'd have to do.

You now have to wait 5 minutes. And in that 5 minutes your brain was spiraling. What if you were pregnant? Could you really do this? You both were so young. And just like that you look down. 

Two lines.

You screamed. Like litterly screamed. From joy or fear you didn't know. Jack rushed in worried. When he also saw it tears tickled the back of his eyes. " is that real? Your not joking?" He asked he voice shaky. She shook your head. " it's real.." you whispered. " HOLY SHIT. BABE, WERE PARENTS!!" Jack yelled excitement Crouseing through his vains.

You just stood they trying to understand what your feeling. Were you happy. Were you upset. " y/n?" Jack asked grabbing your hand. You looked at him. "I'm pregnant." You said then smiled. Really smiled. There was a whole other thing growing inside of you and you felt happy. " you are. With our child. " jack reminded you.

" it's ours." You nodded. Jack pulled you close. " I love you so much." Jack whispered. You now know what you felt. You felt so many things, surprise, happy, scared, but most of all loved. You knew jack would be there every step of the way and that made you feel amazing.

" so I was thinking if it's a girl-"


Wow...this is so cute to me.

Thanks for reading <334

Jack champion/Ethan landry one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now