| valentines| ethan landry

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  It was valentine's day! Something about buying your significant other presents always made you smile, even when you were single. This year though you weren't. you had started dating Ethan Landry about 7 months ago and were about to spend your first valentine's day together. 

  Were you a little nervous? Most defiantly. Mindy had imprinted into your brain that Ethan was gonna expecting yall to 'smash' her words. And that made you a little scared. Not that you didn't want to "smash" Ethan you've just never done that before. So here you were heading to Ethan's house. You to were supposed to watch movies together and exchange gifs.

 Ethan on the other hand was freaking out.


  "she for sure want to fuck man." Chad was telling Ethan. "how are you even sure." Ethan stuttered. "dude I'm a lady's man, I know my stuff." Chad said very douchbagly. Ethan rolled his eyes in responds. What if you really did want to do that. Ethan didn't know how to do that. He would have to learn. How would he learn? He thoughts started spiraling. As were yours.


 You knocked on his door. Chad was long gone by now not wanting to mess with the mood. Whatever that meant. Ethan tripped over his own footing as he pulled the door open. "hey!" Ethan smiled. You smiled back then entered. "um here's your present." You handed him the big bad with hearts on it. He smiled and took it in his hands. Inside was a new Xbox controller as he broke his, along with a bunch of candy and a card. "holy shit, thank you!" he smiled wide before hugging you. then he ran off to get your gift. 

  His came back with a wrapped box. Which was way to good to be wrapped by him. you ripped at the paper and opened the box. You gasped. Inside was the shoes you've been wanting for ages but felt they were to expensive to spend your money on. "how'd you-" "don't worry about it. Happy valentines' day." He kissed that top of your head watching you inspect the shoes.

  You had forgotten all about what had been chasing your thoughts since Monday. You tilted your head up to Ethan who was sitting next to you on the couch. Slowly you reached up and cupped the side of his cheek before planting your lip to his. His hand moved to the back of your neck, his fingers almost tickling you.

This kiss felt different though. Almost forced. It's not like you didn't enjoy kissing him, it just were you about do what you think. Ethan felt it to. The way you were sorta tense. He was to. He slowly brought another hand to your waist before sliding his farther down. He had seen it in a movie before. His hand made it all the way to your thigh. Quickly you pulled away. "I'm sorry, I can't." You rushed out. "I can't ether." Ethan ran a hand through his hair.

 "I want to have- i don't." you couldn't get out the word. "no, I get it me too. Chad convinced me you want to." Ethan told you. "what?! No, I mean yes. But no. Mindy convinced me as well." You explained. "ok so it settled. We won't have you know." Ethan looked forward. "se-". "Yes that" he cut you off. "right, ok" You also looked forward. It was silent far a while. Almost awkward. "so um wanna watch the notebook." You asked.  sure."

hii happy valentines day bbgs

thanks for reading <33

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