| wanna help| ethan landry

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Ethan fist thumped against your wood door. He stood awaiting from you to open it but there was no responds. He tapped his foot patently waiting before knocking once more but there was still no responds. You knew he was coming. You had quite literally called him 5 minutes ago asking for him to come over. He knocked again then called out your name. Were you hurt? Did something happen to you? Worry began to cloud his thought. What if Ghostface killed you? Wait, no, no he was Ghostface. tossing that thought to the side he begain to think of more logical ones. What if you fell and hit your head? You were pretty clumsy. Or mabye you fell out you window. Ok mabye it wasent logical.

Quickly he dug through his pockets before pulling out your apartment keys and opening your door. The room was empty not a sight of you anywhere. He sighed looking through your apartment. But you weren't here. Well then where the hell were you? With worry he brought out his phone and clicked on your contact. It rang once then twice. Then over and over till it sent him to voice mail. He grumbled going to call you again before he got a call of his own. But it wasn't from you. It was Richie. His dead brother.

There no way this was really happening. No one had his phone except Quinn. He answered. "Quinn this isn't funny, have you seen y/n?" Ethan asked already tired of his sister. "oh, poor Ethan is some one in a bad mood?" Ethan heard on the other end but it wasn't his sister overly annoying voice it was Ghostface. "Quinn cut the shit and lose the voice!" he spit, his aggravation through the roof. " but this isn't Quinn." The voice said. Ethan heart started to speed up. "well then, who is it." He asked sitting down on your bed. "you know I really like that shirt on you. Really brings out your muscles." Ghostface told him. Ethan rolled his eyes. "uhuh and what's the color?" he questioned.

"black with Nike logos on the sleeve." The told him. he furrowed his brows and looked around the room. He heard a laugher coming from the phone. "your cute when your scared." They giggled. "ok, who is this?" Ethan asked getting mad. Who was this and why were they playing with him. "oh, you know your friendly neighborhood Spiderman." They joked. Ethan's eyes darkened. He didnt want to play with who ever this was. He wanted to know where y/n was. "Come on Ethan I thought you were smart. Think about it. Who invited you here? Whose bed are you sitting on?" they questioned him. His breath caught in this throat. "y/n?" his voice quivered. There was no way his sweet little girlfriend was taunting him.

"1 point for you!" the voice was turned off instead you're in replace. " yea I found out about your whole little spill with Quinn and baily. Pretty cute if you ask me." You explained. "h-how?" Ethan stuttered. How in the hell did you find out there was no way. He made sure all evidence he was Ghostface was to never be seen. "oh, it was easy." You stepped out of you hiding spot hanging up the phone. "I mean I found the mask. Great spot by the way! Behind the dresser. Once I found that I wanted to you know double check." You told him walking around the room. Ethan was speechless. What were you going to do? What did you want with him now?

"so, I hacked into your phone. Sorry about that. But it was like you see in the movies, very fun. Got some strong passwords." you smiled at him then paused. "then I found out that Richie was your brother and when I tell you I gasped. I mean the drama. Plus, the whole killing Tara and Sam for killing your brother is just so sweet." You finished waiting for him to speak. When there was nothing you continued. "so, I wanna help!" you told him with a smile. Confusion flashed across Ethan features. "huh?" was all he could get out. What did you mean?

"I wanna help you kill Tara and sam." You explained. Again, it was like radio silence from Ethan. You stepped closer to him. He was completely befuddled so befuddled he was thinking of words like befuddled. "are you mad?" you asked. Your smile gone worry apparent now. " I didn't mean to be super I guess abrasive." You told him. There was nothing. "Ethan speak-" you were cut off. Ethan's lips were planted firmly against yours. His hand moved up to your hair slightly tugging it back to lift you head up further to have better access to your mouth.

He pulled away. "ok, you can help." He finally answered you. You smiled and hugged him. "were gonna be like bonnie and Clyde!" you gleamed. He laughed hugging you back but he couldnt help but wonder. Was he going to regret this?

sorry It took so long to write ive been sorta busy since my birthdays coming up.

thanks for reading

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