|wake up!| Ethan Landry

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Warning: cursing mentions of blood, murder. Ethan's just a tiny bit crazy. Non-ghostface ethan.

Ethan was slightly alarmed when he got a call from his roommate chad at 6 in the morning screaming about you.

" chad, Chad slow down what about y/n? " he spoke sitting up in his bed. His hair stuck out in every spot something you would have laughed about.

"There-" there was a long pause make Ethan heart race. " chad?" Ethan asked wondering if he had been hung up on.

"There dead man." Chad finally told him. Ethan's entire body froze. What did he mean you were dead. Theres no possible way. No fucking way.

" no they aren't. " he denied standing up now and grabbing his coat starting go head to your apartment.

" look dude I'm so sorry you can uh,shit. Look you can come down to the station the've got there body if you wanna see for yourself?" Chad told him, ethan could tell he had been crying.

Without any other word ethan hung up and made his way to the station. On the way there all he could think about was you. Were you really dead? No. No, he had just finished talking to you after he got out of econ. You were fine and this was just so sick joke.

He got to station and saw tara and Sam standing near the entrance. " ethan I'm so sorry" tara said and hugged him. Ethan got tense. " were are they." Ethan words came out colder then they were supposed to and he felt bad for being mean to tara. But you were more important.

He needed to see you, and prove that you were still alive. Prove that chad was lying and that when he walked down to the morgue you run up and hug him.

" follow me" sam said starting to walk away. Ethan followed. They walked into the morgue and there was a bunch of tables with bodys with sheets on them. No you though.

Sam lead him to one in the back. " that's her. I'll leave you alone" and with that Sam left him alone. " y/n, this isnt funny any more please get up" his voice cracked.


Ethan slowly pulled the sheet down from your face and down to your waist. A look of horror plastered on his face. There was blood everywhere stab wounds every were. " oh, y/n" he sobbed.

He was starting to believe this was true. You were really dead. " wake up! Please! This is funny!" Ethan head pounded as his face got soaked in his tears.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I wasn't there."  He spoke putting his hand on the sides of you face. You body was so cold, so pale. This wasn't you. This wasn't the love of his life. You were fine. Probably watching Gilmore girls in your apartment waiting for ethan to call you. But you wernt instead you layed dead in front of him

This. You being dead. He would forever refuse to believe it. He backed away from you. Turning around and stomping out of the room. He hands flew to his face whipping the tears that kept coming from his eyes.

Tara and sam looked at his was sorrow but he ignored them and left. You wernt dead.

Sorry all my storys are so short lol. Thanks for reading


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