Chapter 3: Love

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Nick's POV

Why does it have to be so hot outside, and why did I have to start sweating so quickly? I've only been out here for 5 minutes. I had to ask to grab the eggs.

I mean, it was the only way to get out of there without seeming like a douche. There isn't anything wrong with Felix, it's just that something was different about me in that room. I felt like I was... at peace.

I began to sweat a ton and it became unbearable.

"Wait a minute, why the fuck don't I just take my jacket off?" I asked myself. I am such a berk.

I took off my jacket and continued to grab the last of the eggs.

While I was grabbing the eggs, I looked down at my black tank top and found blood splatter.

"Fuck I need to wash these. I should have some clothes in my bag,"

I began to think.

Why did I have to lie to Felix when we ran into each other yesterday? Why couldn't I tell him about my group? Hopefully, they think I'm dead or something; otherwise, everything could be ruined here...

Felix's POV

I was looking outside the window at Nick. He looked kinda... fine? Whatever, nobody will know! I've kept my silly little crush a secret since before the outbreak, I can keep a secret now–


He looks so fucking hot with his jacket off!

Am I still in love with Nick? I mean, I can but I can't tell him. Love is for those who are careless with their survival. I can't be caring about love when Levi is fighting for her life and I have to protect us. Nick cannot get in the way of that.

"Who ya starin' at-" Levi abruptly asked.

"OH MY GOD LEVI! You scared me!" I replied, startled.

"Well, you gotta watch your back in these times," He laughed,

"Anyway, who ya looking at?" He continued.

"No one!"

"Is that- Oh. My. God."


"You're falling for Nicholas!"

"No, I'm not!"

"Why you staring at him then?"

"Just to make sure no creeper sneaks up on him."

"Sure bud."

"Shouldn't you be resting?"

"I will. I was planning on going to my room after I checked up on you."

"Well thanks for checking up on me. Now GO REST."

"Okay okay,"

Levi scurried off upstairs, but I don't think he was going to rest. He is probably just going to bother Maria.

Levi's POV

"OH MY GOD MILLIE!" I called as I ran to her room.

"What Levi? If it's something Maria or Felix did, deal with it." Millie said as she rolled her eyes.

"No, it's not that! It's about Felix!"

"What! What happened? Is he okay?"


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