Chapter 47: Harbinger's Task

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Waking up to the startling noise of an explosion, Cer looks around frantically for Punkin. "Pupu! Where are you? I can't see you!"

Sitting crossed legged next to Cer, Punkin looks up at the sky with her mouth gawking at the colorful lights flashing in the sky. "I'm right here! Teehee. Silly daddy. Aunties made us disappear, but I can still see you."

Placing a finger up to hush them Aaric warns them. "Shhh. We are concealed for now. The Gyldan Galare's magic can only shield so much noise."


Reaching out to pull Punkin closer, Cer whispers loud enough for Aaric and Punkin to hear. "What is that explosion? Are those cannons?"

Pointing at the sky, Punkin giggles. "It's pretty. There are pretty lights being chased by the sounds. They are playing hide and seek."

Placing a hand on Cer's shoulder with a quick squeeze to inform Cer of the gravity of the situation, Aaric chimes in. "Yes- mage cannons. Doryl is moving against the villages and towns within the mist. Their aim is expansion beyond the Western Woods, but they need to cross the Dormand plains and mist first. The sound is delayed 5 seconds from the light. So they are not too far out. The mist is thin since Pupu is here. We should get moving."

Tugging on Cer's shirt Punkin asks, "Daddy, can I have a color cannon? It's pretty."

Patting Punkin on the head, Cer answers her. "We will find other toys. Those cannons are toys only for mean people who want to hurt others. Not everything pretty is nice or good. Those cannons leave only sadness and pain Pupu. We need to go before they find us."

Scowling, Pupu stands up and puts her hands on her hips. "Bad hide and seek. Not a fun one. Let's fight them daddy. We don't like bullies!"

Standing up, Cer beckons Pupu to whisper. "We don't have to solve all the world's problems, let's just not add to them today. Come on, we need to leave and we can help people to safety if we get ahead."

Clapping enthusiastically, Punkin jumps up and down. "Yes. Yes. We can hide people like aunties."

Running to the statues around them, Punkin brushes her hand against Mistress Shell, M'Alison, and ends up hugging the statue of Lady Rayne. " Psst wake up. We are going to hide more people."

Filling back with color and light as their stone skin softens, the Gyldan Galare surround and hug Punkin.

Mistress Shell crouches down and offers a hug. "We heard the whole conversation and kept watch. Only because you want to help others, we will help others. They have not been kind to our kind. But we can shepard them to safety since it is your will and wish, young grand mother."

Dropping her jaw in embarrassment, Punkin giggles "I'm not grandmother. I'm a kid!"

Chuckling, M'Alison sheathes her weapon and adds, "You are right. You need to go live life as a kid and leave the worry and safety of others to us adults. Our sins aren't yours to bear."

Reaching out her hand to Punkin, Lady Rayne crouches down and whispers. "You need to lead your father from now on. You are the key to his magic and only you can satiate the void. His darkness will listen to nobody but you. I know it is alot to ask, but you are his link to his humanity. You are the beast tamer."

Raising her eyebrows with excitement, Punkin whispers back "I am a beast tamer?!?! I can have more pets! DADDY IS MY PET!"

Shushing Punkin with a finger to Punkin's lips, Lady Rayne smiles. "A good tamer doesn't tell their beast they are pets and they are being tamed. They just remind them to be kind and be safe."

Ducking her head in secrecy, Punkin grins. "Got it. I am a secret boss."

Smiling, the Gyldan Galare straighten their composer and begin to shift into their true selves.

Astonished, Mistress Shell looks to the other two in acknowledgement. "Think we found ourselves again. Our calling was to protect others as our hearts see fit, not fit into the hearts of others. I kind of like my other forms."

Each giving Punkin a kiss on her forehead, the Gyldan Galare thank her for their liberty from their curse.

Giving her a hug Lady Rayne tells Punkin. "I don't know how you did it, but you bring the best out of people, even when they don't know what their best is."

Handing Punkin a gift hidden in a cloth tied with spider silk, M'Alison thanks Punkin and whispers instructions. "Thanks for being yourself around us even if we are terrifying. I think I liked my other form, but at least it will be a choice I make and I am not trapped in it. I am giving you this. There are two things in this present. When you open it, keep the vial for yourself. The other one, give it to Kali from Ursa Domus. She will know what to do with it. Do not let anyone take the vial from you. It is precious just like you."

Smiling from ear to ear, Punkin runs over to Cer to hand Cer the tied gift and gives Cer instructions to not open it. "That's mine. Don't open. Now gimme gimme the box."

Running over to retrieve the small box tied to Cer's shriver box, Punkin struggles to open it. "Daddy they need a candle. AND some honey!"

Smiling at Punkin's excitement, Cer casts a spell and retrieves a candle and a vial of honey that ports into Cer's hands. "Light this when you are in need. Dire need. And Here is the finest batch of honey from the Apiary. Our last batch since the farm was destroyed. That's all we have to give."

Taking the gifts, M'Alison responds "You don't have to gift us anything. We do appreciate the honey nonetheless. As for the candle, we can smell Kala's work in it. Tell her thanks."

Responding Cer, grins. "You can tell her yourself at the Mecca when we meet at the In Convenience."

Casting a spell to draw upon an orb of light, Lady Rayne responds. "Right. We will see you there. In the meantime, follow this orb through the mist. It will bypass the Dorylytes. You need to gather ALL the covens seeded with the grand apiary. Which means you will need ALL the shrivers there. Go to the tower of souls. You are needed there and you need to be there. This will lead you to the mountains and from there you will know the way."

Speaking out to Aaric, Cer inquires. "What about you? Where you headed? Want to join us?"

Jogging off to catch up with the Gyldan Galare, Aaric responds. "You think these ladies are going to lead the people to the Mecca directly? You are mad. They will be hiding amongst them encouraging them and guiding them subtly. They expect me to be in the front so I am the one to blame if we get lost."

Turning back, Mistress Shell winks at Cer. "We have spent years together, he knows the drill. He is, afterall, the Steward of the Land Dwellers."

Transforming back into their angelic forms, the three witches chuckle and send Cer a telepathic message. We are just motivators through awe and fear, he is the voice of reason to walk them to safety. So must you be the darkness, so people can experience her light. May mana flow in your favor.

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